Wednesday 9 February 2011

WOYWW - Dusty meets Pinxie

Good morning all!

A pretty array for you to peruse this morning.
After a wonderful fun day Monday, little Pinxie came home to join her new friends. Of course Scruffy disgraced himself (See post below!). But Dusty seems to like our new pink and punky little friend.
So, here they are, sitting on my table with the 2 scented valentine hearts, a new little phone cosy and a cute little scented owl. You may recognise the felted sweater fabric in the pile below.

Today, I am hoping to create a few more items with my recycled sweaters - maybe a few brooches for Springtime to go with the heart brooches already in the blog shop.
Wipso and I have updated the blog shop and put lots more crafty creations on the shelves so do pop over and have a peek.

Just to say.... There is a fab "GIVE AWAY" on Jensters blog so pop over and help her celebrate her 50th birthday!!

Then nip over to the lovely Julia's blog and join in the mad Wednesday blog hop.
Thanks for calling in here - I love to hear from you all and I will get round to as many blogs as possible this week and see what you have been up to.


  1. Poor old Scruffy....decisions decisions! Tell him the grass really isn't greener on the other side of the fence [even if in this case she's pink and not green!] :-)
    A x

  2. There are some gorgeous beasties here (and non-beasties too). I love the little hootie, and remember seeing the jumper it came from. You two are so clever!


    P.S. Tell Scruffy how shocked I was to see his nethers! x

  3. haha so cute! poor Scruffy lol having to share his space now with new friends.

  4. These are so cute and so much fun. Joey x

  5. Hi hun
    aww how cute do they all look, gorgeous creations, have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(11)

  6. Bad Scruffy.... love your new friends though, I hope he behaves from now on.

  7. Your little friends made me chuckle! Love them! Your owl is particularly adorable! Happy Wednesday :-) Poppit #75

  8. Wow they are so cute just love scruffy.Happy Wednesday
    hugs judex16

  9. Lovely little lovelies they are sooo sweet! Clever ol' you!! wish I could sew! Happy WOYWW!!

  10. Oh, Pinxie is such an adorable little beastie!

    Susan #84

  11. Love the belly button stud!! Pinxie has attitude!

    Brenda 89

  12. oh wow they are just so adorable, love the one with the hat, is that Dusty? she's gorgeous.

  13. I love you new little characters, fab creations and so individual!
    Thanks for visiting me and sorry I've not managed to reply whilst on my USA adventure!
    JoZarty x

  14. Oh, dear me! These are too cute!!!

  15. Well! My Hubby (and some so-called friends~) think I am mad cos I take my Fergus (Highland Cow) everywhere with me and he has now got his own Scrapbook of his travels! Off to Rome next!! LOL!!
    Not sure if I am brave enough to put any of his layouts on my bloggie yet!! LOL!!!

    sam aka Hettie #125

  16. You and Wipso have been busy the hsop is looking fab. Hugs Pam x

  17. loving the new punk
    Sarah - Stressed Stamper 27

  18. Scruffy,
    What have you done! You so had it in the bag and now youv'e blown it.
    Best go buy some flowers quick.
    Hugs Mrs A. #83

  19. What a witty approach and I Love Owls! One day I'll add a photo of my owl cabinet to my site. Meanwhile, yes my craft desk is the place I am most at peace with the world...unless it is Valentine's Day coming up and loads of orders! Not as bad as Christmas though - nothing like it. Will look for more little woolly folk again soon, Shirley #52

  20. haha...what cute little critters you've created! Star 102

  21. Ooo, Twiglet love your cute little buddies excessively I think one of them need a little holiday down under, dont you think? am sure it would do them the world of good, they are so super cute! especially the Nanna would love them!
    thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in oz.x

  22. Shouls your sock pals be sold with a warning about their disgraceful behaviour?!?!

    ** Kate **

  23. Love Pinxie and so funny how Scruffy disgraced himself lol - love your creations ~ Nicky no.9

  24. Hi Loving the new kids lol
    Decorating going well so far thanks...making the place cosy lol
    Hugs Suz x

  25. Aw Scruffy, it is understandable how you are all twisted up with Pinxie on the scene! She is a real heartbreaker that one!
    Fabulous creations as always!
    Thanks for the visit!
    xoxo Karen

  26. It's always fun to see WHO is hanging out on your desk.

  27. Oh my goodness you are clever! I love the characters, especially seeing as how they are recycled! You have some wonderful ideas, thank you for sharing!

    Love Julia x

  28. These are fantastic they are just so much fun love all the different elements in them :)
    hugs Nikki

  29. Poor old Scruffy...looks like he is a rounder! More ways then one! His bum is a bit round! As Wipso said the grass isn't always greener.

  30. The new pink and punky little friend is adorable! I totally love the photo in your header, so beautiful!

  31. love the little hearts....

    Focaccia recipe is up now .... at Tea and Scones.... pop by for a slice when you can....

  32. what a fabulous collection of yumminess :)

  33. Wow some great stuff there! I have been busy sewing this week too - have made an Amy Butler bag and lots of tabards for a school play my son in soon. Am quite worn out but happy!

  34. I am loving your Pinxie! She looks great fun, I bet she'd have a few tales to tell if only she could talk!

    Have a lovely weekend Jo
    Keryn x

  35. oh my goodness, these are wonderful!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.