Friday 11 February 2011

New ideas!

For those of you who follow Wipso's blog - you will know what this refers to.
If not, then do follow the link to "A stitch in time" and find out what we are up to!

We already have a long list of ideas from all you wonderful card makers out there but we need lots so that we can come up with some fab items that will be useful to you all. (Also it will keep Wipso and I out of mischief and very busy with creating!!)

So pop over and see what we are looking for and give us your suggestions - there are prizes to be won!!

1 comment:

  1. oooh I've just left a message on Wipso's about this - I hope it makes some sense!

    I've just had a fun scroll down your last few posts and seen lots of lovely stuff - you've been busy again, haven't you? hehehe


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.