Wednesday 24 November 2010


This is the state of my work room today!
Busy getting ready for next Saturday's craft fair at Montgomery, so my room is stacked out with bags of things ready to go (will post more pics of them tomorrow).
Bags and boxes everywhere!
I need to start this morning with a huge tidy up and sort out before I start any more crafting - and what am I doing...... blogging this post and then reading a few of the 150 post that you wonderful WOYWWers put up every Wednesday. I never manage to see all of them but I do enjoy popping in to as many as I can. If you want to join in this mad blog hop, then go to the WOYW Julia, chief organiser's blog and follow Mr Linky.

Two other pics to share...
The view through my window today...

Woke to a hard frost outside - but a lovely sunny morning.

This male woodpecker obviously felt the need for an early breakfast on the peanuts!

See you all later - have a great WOYWW!


  1. Get all those crafty goodies priced up and ready ASAP cos of course we are gonna sell them all on Saturday at the craft fair :-) Fab views from the window this morning. Love that woody.
    A x

  2. Gosh you've been busy for the show... hope it all sells really well. Look forward to seeing it too.
    How lucky you are to look out on such a lovely view but brrrrr it looks too cold there today, except for woodpeckers!!!
    JoZarty x

  3. fabulous view, hope the craft fair is a success

    be blessed
    from Angela #68

  4. Do you know, I have never seen a woodpecker in real life - lucky you. Good luck with the craft sale - have been looking at sis's things on her blog and think you should do well. That is if she climbs out of the mountain of work she has piling up. Hope you have time to craft. #27

  5. Hi Twiglet
    Good luck for the won't need luck, all your things are very desirable and I expect you will sell out.
    Gorgeous morning here in Oxfordshire, too.
    Sue xx

  6. Best of luck at the craft fair and sweet scenes from your part of the world!

  7. would so love to wake up to see a woodpecker instead of the millions of starlings pinching the big fat cake meant for Mr/Mrs Blackie, robin, coal tits, jenny Wren etc. (13)

  8. Hi ya
    fabulous piccies, hope you do well at the craft fayre, gorgeous veiw,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(16)

  9. I was surprised by all the "stuff" in your normally neat studio. Hope you do well on Saturday. You have quite a view from your window. Really like it. I'm trying to get around sooner this week. Seems like I was just here. Happy WOYWW (#8)

  10. Lovely view through your window there, very jealous of the scenery
    C (74)

  11. Firstly Jo before I forget, Good Luck to you both for Montgomery, wish you every success and some warmth!

    Lovely to see such an amount of crafting ready to go, youve both been so very busy!

    The view from your window is astounding, I am in complete envy (which I know isnt a good emotion but you get my drift!) as the countryside beside your home is just stunning!

    I never knew the male woodpecker was that colour, is he black white and red? My perfect bird if he is as its my fav colourway!! Ive only ever seen females then, obviously!

    Thanks for sharing them, quite beautiful!

    Keryn x

  12. Good luck with the craft fair. I envy you your view from your window. I can only have faith that one day we will sell our flat (which is actually quite nice) and move away from our git of a neighbour (who really isn't nice) and have a view half as lovely :)

  13. What a lot you have ready! Love the woody!

  14. Looks like you could be busy on Saturday...I'm of to one as well - not looking forward to it tho if the weather stays as wintry as it's been today...Have a great week...Kirsti (98)

  15. Fab pictures Twiglet... I bought some feeders for the birds in our garden, they ate up the fat cake quickly, but haven't touched the seeds from the seed feeder or the nuts from the squirrel proof feeder... don't know what I'm doing wrong!

  16. Good luck for your craft fair ! Great view this morning ! I haven't seen my woodpecker yet this winter but my family of nuthatches are back - OMG what messy eaters - they seem to scatter the food from the feeder everywhere ! have a fun crafty week ! Ali x

  17. I have to say, I fell for your photos, especially the one of the woodpecker. We had a pretty frosty morning as well, now it's sunny and lovely, but chilly. The birds sure love the feeders!

  18. Love how beautiful it is there.. my husband just looked at the picture and said he knew where it was.. that he had been to Conway..? He has been everywhere.. I put some pictures of the snow at my place but not of the view I will have to do that sometime..

    Shirley Pumpkin #47

  19. I love the stuffies you have there on your desk!
    The view from your window is gorgeous! Thanks for the peek!

  20. Haven't seen a woodpecker on my nuts in years although they are about, sounds like you've been as busy as ever!
    Happy WOYWW!!

  21. Good luck to you two for the craft fair at the weekend - wishing you lots of buyers.

    It looks really chilly there, so I'm glad that Mr Woodpecker was able to fuel the inner bird. How lucky to have one visit your garden.

    Bernie #11

  22. You've both been very busy - love the items you're going to take along (just looked at the later post), hope it all goes well at the fair and the weather isn't too bad.

    Now that's what I call a VIEW from a window - stunning!

    Thanks for the lovely snoop around x

    Sherry (105)

  23. Hope your craft fair goes well - thanks for sharing - love the woodpecker ~127

  24. good luck with the sale.

    the view is pretty amazing

    have a lovely weekend
    caroline #2

  25. Great view and love the woodpecker photo! Have a good weekend x

  26. All the best for your craft fair, and great snap of the pecker, i just loving watchin the birdies feeding :o)

  27. Well you have got a busy desk here with lots of nice things to use. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 42)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.