Monday 22 November 2010

Christmas craft fair items.

Wipso and I have been busy making all sorts of crafty items for our Christmas craft fair in Montgomery Town Hall next Saturday.
I thought I would post a few pictures each day so that you can see some of the things I have made.
If you have been following my blog you will know I have been recycling sweaters and have made lots of different items.
So here are two cosy, little, hot water bottle covers. I think they might sell quickly if the forecast for snow this week is correct!!


  1. I love me a hot water bottle and those two covers are lovely- too nice to put under the bedclothes- more for cuddling on the settee!

  2. .....And they look even better in real life :-)
    A x

  3. Love those bottle covers Jo...very cosy

    Glad you like the sawing in half hehe...Phil's got over 'another' of my 'l'm going to saw this in half' but l
    think he's hidden the saw now...hehehe
    Hugs xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.