Friday, 23 August 2013

Friday smile

Don't you just love it when the sun shines and the butterflies descend on your garden.
This afternoon I had about 6 Peacock butterflies, a Comma, a Red Admiral, 2 Small Tortoiseshells and lots of Cabbage Whites - all on the buddleia plant.
My camera and photographic skills didn't allow me to snap them all - some were out of focus but the splash of colour in that butterfly collage certainly makes me smile.

And below are some rather fuzzy snaps of the Red Kite that was cruising the field at the back of my house. I think there is an adult and a young one around the vicinity.

We are so lucky to be able to see them so close to home.

What has made you smile this week?
Pop over to Annie's blog "A stitch in time" and see what has amused her this week.

Thanks for calling.
x Jo


  1. Fab snaps today...if but a little fuzzy :-) With these glasses of mine on I can almost get them in focus :-)
    Annie x

  2. If I want to learn about the birds and bees, I know where to come. OK, maybe it's the birds and butterflies this week, since Annie had the bees.

    Regardless, I learn SO much when I visit. You are so well versed and the way you know these butterflies and plants/flowers by their botanical name makes me SMILE a big, happy smile.

  3. Great pictures I think the peacock butterfly is my favourite . I had one trapped in my kitchen the other day but as its wings were folded I didn't know what it was until I let it go and had a real surprise

  4. Beautiful Photos. Loving time with nature and it's beauty is always a great way to enjoy a few SMILES. Have a lovely weekend Jo.

  5. There is nothing like buddleia for bringing out the butterflies is there twiglet?

  6. I love buddlea bushes ...and how they attract the gorgeous butterflies ....great collage.xx

  7. Lovely photos - like most crafters I just love butterflies. I'm going to have to plant a buddleia bush in my garden. Great photos of the kite too. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend. Elizabeth xx

  8. I not quite sure what it is, maybe a red kite too, but we have something 'blurry' as it dives in so fast, to pick bird off the bird table!! Great pictures! ((Lyn))

  9. Super photos Jo. Like you we have loads of butterflies this year - especially around the buddleias, which isn't known as the Butterfly Bush for nuffink :) And also red kites here for the first time too. Ain't Mother Nature wonderful.

    Thank you so much for the lovely card Jo - it will be treasured!

    Hugs, Di xx

  10. lots of butterflies around at the moment Jo and very pretty....i love watching the Kites too.


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