Monday, 6 July 2009

Garden visitors.

My garden seems full of little visitors at present. We have families of blue tits, great tits, greenfinch, chaffinch and goldfinch along with a young woodpecker and its parents.

Yesterday, whilst we were watching the tennis, these cheeky squirrels chose to pose and stretch on my fence, long enough for me to snap them through my lounge window.


  1. I think that British Wildlife beats the knickers off anything tropical! I love Squirles grey and red and am lucky enough to life in 'Red' land.

  2. Love blue tits, my favorite mug is a Emma Bridgewater with them. We have squirrels here too...or are they chipmunks. Anyway, aren't they something to watch!

  3. My 3 little cairn terriers love the squirrels too but only really keeping them out of the garden. Not sure what they would do if they caught one but I'm pretty sure this would never happen as the squirrels are very aware of the dogs and can run much faster. I don't mind them using them as their daily exercise though.

  4. Hi Twiglet - Just caught up on your last three posts; Aren't we lucky to have all the wonderful wildlife all around us in gardens and the countryside. My garden is teeming!
    This purple coo thing - can anyone join? Somebody else pointed it out to me.

    Love your tourist guide to Shropshire - but if you make it too beautiful we'll have all the people from "off" flocking to our shores!

  5. hello Twiglet from just over the hill, we are 'rediscovering' Shropshire too - try Acton Burnell and Pitchford - beautiful. Personlly I never tire of the villages along the foot of the Longmynd - Asterton, Norbury, Wentnor, Linley and More. But I simply cant get the same excitement from North Shropshire - dont know why but it just doesn't ring my bell at all.

  6. Good morning Twiglet. I can't believe that I've just found your blog - so glad you mentionned it on your 'Saturday' comment on the Purplecoo.
    I too loved South Pacific - in fact it was the first LP that I ever bought, with my tenth birthday gift money. I can still sing many of the songs!
    I'd love to learn to smock. It'll be another retirment dream!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.