Thursday, 5 February 2009

Time to be crafty.

Yet another gloomy, overcast day with a few snowflakes drifting down. The roads are clear but I don't feel the need to go anywhere. Instead, I have been dabbling with my sewing and card making gear in my little craft room.

I have equipment and materials galore and plenty of time to experiment.

After years of working in a job which left me with little time or energy to be creative, it really is a treat to have time to indulge in all things crafty!
So, this week I have made cards.

I used lots of half finished bits and bobs and produced about half a dozen cards. Friends and family may be lucky enough to receive one. I can never compete with some of the gorgeous ones I see on the various websites I visit, but playing with fabric, card and trimmings can be very satisfying.
On a grey February day, in a cosy room, looking out on a beautiful snow-clad landscape it is bliss!


  1. Really impressed with the result. You should consider running classes in your spare time.

  2. Lovely! And totally disagree with you... yours are easily as good as the shop variety... more so.
    Love your pictures out of your kitchen have a view rather like ours. We have the Downs in the distance.. sometimes they are there... then they disappear behind a cloud. gorgeous. Will be back. Love your blog.

  3. You've a great card-making/crafting/creative future in front of you - go one, indulge yourself.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.