Wednesday 31 July 2024


 Here I am again.

I was on Nanny duty last week for a few days.

Of course that means very little crafting has gone on. My table stands empty.

My little buddy however, was busy with the Fimo and his drawing pens. He made a big table game plan and modelled several Pokemon figures to play on it.

He also tired me out with bat and ball games in the garden. His skills have improved rapidly and I can't keep up with him. He devised an aiming game where he stood at one end of the lawn and hit his ball to the little "house" on the bird table in the centre of the lawn. Foolishly, I said that if he could aim it through the house five times, I would give him a fiver. Through sheer determination he managed to score 11! I won't be so generous next time.🤣

We did have a couple of outings.

Shrewsbury Quarry Dingle garden looking lovely..

And Much Wenlock. A pretty Shropshire town with lots of reminders that the modern Olympics began here 

So that's me for this week 

Enjoy the sunshine.

x x Jo 🌈 


  1. looks like you had a great week -even if you were worn out! Much Wenlock looks gorgeous . Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Oh wow, thanks for the history of Much Wenlock, I didn't know that about the Modern Olympics, how wonderful. I'd love a grandchild and fear I'll definitely have no energy if one ever materialised! Love how yours devises games inside and out what a super little man you have there. Hugs BJ#5

  3. He’s a determined chap! Wonder who he gets that from??! *wink*. I loved Much Wenlock, what a great little town with a very interesting history - I could love there very easily. I’m enjoying the Olympics very much, you probably heard me shouting when the swimming was on last night, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  4. I can finally comment. Have had to change browser. Great artwork from Ben - sounds like he can hustle too lol. Great photos - hadn't realised that about Much Wenlock Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  5. That's so creative to make his own game and characters! And I love his determination to win the money too - very comical. Have a wonderful week, Lisa-Jane #10,

  6. Interesting fats and photos Jo. Thanks.
    Cannot believe how Ben has grown up so much, surprising how quickly time flies and we don't realise. Well, you were rather over generous with the bet - not having grandees I wonder how much the tooth fairy leaves these days?
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  7. It looks like you’ve had a hectic week, Jo. There’s nothing that makes someone determined to succeed like a challenge!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12 xx

  8. Sounds like a great - if tiring - time with your grandson. I didn’t know that about Much Wenlock. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  9. I bet you enjoyed every moment even if it did cost you more than you expected! You'll be able to have a rest least for a while. Stay cool and have a great woyww. Hugs Angela x9x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.