Wednesday 19 June 2024


 Last week seemed to be quite hectic.

We went to a lovely wedding at Rowton Castle...

This is the card that I made for them. I deleted the details so it looks a bit fuzzy.

I continued knitting little cats. Ben loved the little shaggy white one so I made a few more. They need little ribbon collars to finish them off .

Lastly, we have new residents on our estate!...

A pair of swans walk their five cygnets round the estate, from the pond down the hill. They settle on various lawns, eating the short grass. I have tried to gently encourage them back down the road but the adults don't like it and hiss, so I have left them to it. I worry about the traffic but folks seem to have got used to them and most of them slow down.

The rest of my time has been spent organizing Tilly's artwork for her exhibition. It's very time consuming but I enjoy it 

So that's me for this week 

Have a good week all.

x x Jo 


  1. What a lovely setting for a wedding!
    The swans are obviously happy on the lawns, enjoying the grass! Love the shaggy cats. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. What a lovely venue for a wedding Jo. Love those cat knits. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

  3. Oh my goodness, those little cats are adorable! I am so looking forward to seeing the photos (and maybe a little video) of Tilly's exhibition. I said to Sarah this morning that I wish I lived closer as I would have loved to do one of her classes. She's lucky to have you on hand! Here's hoping for a a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #6

  4. Those shaggy cats are fab, you could make an evil one to look like a James Bond villain’s cat!! Well done on all your hard work for Tilly, hope the expo goes really well. Love the wedding card you made, so beautiful and perfect for the occasion! The swans are fab, they must seem fairly confident at being around your estate, hope they’re all well and happy.
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  5. Such a beautiful card for the posh wedding (how exciting, a castle wedding). Love the cats but it's the swans that steal the show from me. How wonderful, but how worrying in a way because of the traffic. As you say folks have adapted their driving so fingers crossed for thee five little ones.

  6. What a beautiful venue for a wedding, and a gorgeous card too. I love the little cats, they work really well in that fluffy wool. The swans look very comfortable on your estate, I guess when they are protecting their little ones they will be a bit more hissy and aggressive - fingers crossed they all stay safe.
    Have a good week and hope Tilly's exhibition is a roaring success.
    Diana xx #15

  7. Love the wedding venue, bet you had a lovely day. Love the card too and those gorgeous kitties. Swans have a mind of their own and will go where ever they like. The worst thing is when they land on the bye pass that goes round Lincoln, very scary. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x14x

  8. I love swans! How awesome to have them on your lawn! And now you don't have to mow the lawn! Those knitted furry cats are adorable! And what a lovely place for a wedding! Have a great week, Lindart #19

  9. I love the photo of the swans....I'm sure they know best :-)
    Annie x

  10. How lovely to see the swans and their cygnets. They do not like to be “encouraged “ specially when they have young. Cute knitted kitties! Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  11. A beautiful card for what looked to be a lovely wedding. I’d worry if there were small kids near the swans as I’d expect them to be protective. Lovely photo of them though.
    Your furry cats are adorable!
    Good luck with the Tilly workshop
    Lynnecrafts 13 xx

  12. we had a swan pare on our lake, and they were aggressive to visitors, so they got rehomed somehow- LOVE the fuzzy cats! Wedding in a castle! Robyn 17

  13. Love the swan picture, its lovely that they feel safe enough to wonder so close to people's home, they might even get a few treats! The fliffy cats are lovely! little collars will look great! Sorry for late visit I'm not at home all this week, hope you've had a great crafty week, nice and sunny here where I'm housing/dog sitting. Happy Late WOYWW?! ((Lyn))#18

  14. Amazing venue for a wedding!
    Love those fluffy cats!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

  15. A very happy occasion to be a part of. Your wedding card is so pretty, Jo.
    Very cute cats. I'm not surprised Ben loves them so much.
    Swans setting up home nearby with their youngsters must be quite an experience. I hope it turns out well.
    Have a good week.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.