Wednesday 17 April 2024


Here we are again, sharing our workdesks and crafty activity with our WOYWW friends.

It's been a strange week. We've had highs and lows in our family and friend circle, including the sad loss of a family member and then our Golden Wedding. Thanks to all who sent us good wishes. Please help yourself to a slice of my celebration cake......

I struggled to find decorations for the top but Sainsburys had packs of golden balls, which somehow seemed appropriate!

I actually baked a small, medium and large one. Ben loves my rich fruit cake, so I sent the tiny one home with him. We shared the big one with friends and family at the weekend and I still have the other one for any late comers.😃

My crafty activity has been zilch this week.

So here is a little bug I saw on my door basking in the sunshine....

I love to see nature, as it wakes up, during Spring. I am still waiting to see my first swallow but, of course, my little sis has beaten me to it!

Have a good week all 

x x Jo 


  1. The cake looks beautiful, simple and elegant! Congratulations on the Golden Wedding milestone, but I am sorry for your loss. Hugs and happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Fabulous cake! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #13

  3. Congratulations on your golden wedding, the cake looks wonderful. So sorry you lost a family member though.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10 xx

  4. Happy 50th Anniversary. Your cake looks yummy. So sorry to hear of your family loss. It's almost a weekly event here, of having someone's funeral. I really love your last post, playing catch up, last week was a bummer, but now we are cleaning up from a storm. No building damages here but close by, lots of sticks/tree branches, and much needed rain. Grass will really green up and hopefully plants/flowers start popping up. Love that bug...looks almost like sides are stitched ! My little wrens are not back from their winter area yet
    Happy WOYWW.

  5. Your cake looks and sounds lovely. I love a rich fruit cake and Ben must have been delighted with his. Most people these days seem to prefer flavoured sponge type cakes but to me you can't beat a rich fruit cake for a celebration.
    So sorry to hear your other family news. Sincere condolences.
    Wonder if Ben shares your passion for nature? I can just see you sitting talking to him and pointing out things as you go out and about.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  6. Congratulations on the golden wedding - the cake looks lovely!
    I love the bug too!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #12

  7. The cake looks lovely, I am definitely a fruit cake lover. Hope everything settles down now for you. I've seen those bugs before, nature is incredible for sure. Sending woyww hugs Angela x11x

  8. Congratulations on your golden wedding anniversary. Those bugs are called shield bugs. There are several different ones. I think they are very attractive. Happy WOYWW. Angela #7

  9. Wow, I love rich fruit cake too, lucky Ben. your celebration cake looks absolutely fab, I am sure you must have had a lovely weekend celebrating with friends and fam. Nice sight to see a shield bug, it's a jolly good sign!

  10. Wonderful cake for your wedding anniversary celebrations. Well done Mr Sainsbury for providing the finishing touches.
    He is a very fine little bug with his coat of green. It almost looks like he is wearing a stitched waistcoat :-)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.