Wednesday 15 November 2023


 Good morning everyone.

I thought firstly I would share my Remembrance Day poppy twiddle mitt.

This week I have pottered in my sewing room and made a  few Christmas cards.

Then, I had a text from Annie to ask which machine embroidery stitch I used to edge my cards. (We both have the same machine)

I replied with the row and the pattern number but she was still struggling as the numbers had faded on her chart. 

In the past I made myself a set of little fabric books with each pattern numbered so I can see how well they work.

As Annie didn't have this handy resource, I took a photo of my little chart and sent it to her. Now it's printed and stuck onto her machine so at least she can quickly access her pattern! Sisterly love.🥰

Just a quick post this week. I am still only working on half power as I still have a silly cough and it saps my energy. It is a bit better, so fingers crossed it goes soon.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. sorry you still have a cough. the cards looks great though, so you're battling through! The remembrance twiddle mitt, is fabulous. what a great idea. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Hope you can manage to shift the cough Jo - they are a pain. Lovely cards and the twiddler is fabulous. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  3. I'm chuckling at you saying you are working on half power....I seem to have doubled my work load looking at my blog...I also forgot to put the 24 Christmas cards I've made this week. Lets hope we are both feeling better very soon.
    Annie x

  4. Just adore the colours of that twiddler. the fabric cards are gorgeous too, so clever and a great use of small pieces. What a good sister you are coming up trumps with that chart - though it lookds mindboggling to me! Hope your cough goes soon, they can wear you down. Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #12

  5. That’s such a good idea re the stitch sampler, the sort of thing that I should do but never get round to! I love the Remembrance twiddler, such lovely colours and you can’t go wrong with poppies. I’m really sorry to hear that the cough is still bothering you, it does seem to linger on with many people. More whiskey needed maybe? Looking forward to seeing you very soon, I’ll message you later about days/times etc.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  6. Hope your cough improves soon, Jo. Your Remembrance Day twiddler is beautiful and I’m in admiration of your organised stitch reference book!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10 xx

  7. Lovely Christmas cards and a clever idea to remember the stitch programmes. Sorry to hear you aren’t fully recovered, wishing you well. Angela #4

  8. I love the Christmas cards, they look brilliant. That was handy you both having the same machine, bet Annie was pleased. Hope the cough clears up soon. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x11x

  9. Oh I do hope you feel better soon, a persistent cough is wearing and boring. Loving the sisterly cooperation, I can claim cooperation but not over sewing, our kid is resolutely against such a past time! Lovely cards as usual Twiggers, you really do have such an eye.

  10. Oh my life I am gobsmacked at all those stitches how absolutely a-maz-zing! I only have a few on mine but still I might make a little booklet of them, what a great idea. Adore your remembrance twiddler the colours are so relaxing. and the Christmas fabric cards are super too, what a delightful post today. Hugs #13

  11. Happy Belated WOYWW. Lovely Remembrance Day knitting. So useful having that stitch guide. I do miss having a sewing machine sometimes, but then remember how rubbish I am at finishing off projects. Ali x #16


  12. Your Remembrance twiddler is beautiful Jo. Really special. Very pretty fabric Christmas cards too.
    Hope the cough clears up soon. It does seem to linger for ages doesn't it. Take care x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.