Wednesday 23 August 2023


 Another week another WOYWW when we share our work desks and crafty activity.

Look what I have to share with you this week ..

A lovely rainbow of tassels...

Yes Jan, I found I needed to replenish my tassels.
Titter ye not!
I had a very good reason for getting them out.

I really do need to tackle my fabric stash and have a good sort out.
So, I made an effort and emptied my purple scraps drawer. (I have a drawer for each colour of the rainbow. Each one is full of small scraps left over from various projects). 
I made a wide strip of patchwork fabric using lots of my purple scraps.
Then I cut up the strips and layered them with a card and fabric backing - just big enough for bookmarks.
I stitched around each one and added a tassel.

So here we are...
A lovely little set of bookmarks.

I might clear out another drawer this week - maybe make  red/green Christmassy ones.
Talking about red and green.
Look at my veg harvested from our garden this week.

All yummy.
Well that's me for this week.
I hope you are all well. Summer is slowly slipping away all too fast so, make the most of each day.
I noticed the swallows gathering this week so maybe they know something we don't - it seems a bit early.

xx Jo


  1. great new tassels, and I love the bookmarks. Your harvest is really yummy, love the beans! I agree that signs of autumn seem to be early this year. Happy WOYWW Helen #8

  2. Tassel-tastic!! Great selection fo colours there and as for a music suggestion, how about ‘You spin Me Right Round’ by Dead or Alive?! *snigger*. The bookmarks are lovely and a great way to use up your scraps, the red/green will look fabulous too.
    Way to go with your harvest, that’s a good haul. Our purple French beans are producing like crazy and we dug up some spuds the other day, they were sooo good!
    Hugs LLJ 1 xx

  3. Good morning Jo πŸ’œπŸ’›❤️πŸ’• such a beautiful sight to see the lush colours on your desk 🌈 from tassels ( just looking at them makes me happy 😊) tooo those bookmarks πŸ’œ truly beautiful πŸ₯° Love the idea with your scraps grouped by colour ... I best not show you my scraps 🀦‍♀️ Woohoo on your veggie harvest... smacking my lips πŸ’‹ I can taste courgette chilli soup,green bean risotto, πŸ… 's on crusty bread mmmmmmm I'm now ... hungry πŸ˜πŸ˜† enjoy every bite,I do miss my lottie ... we have too many snails in ours despite gathering them up to take them for a walk 🐌 WIshing you much joy in your days with love and hugs Tracy #15 xxx

  4. I am color driven, so those purple bookmarks really made me smile. They are just lovely and so are the amazing tassels.

    What a bounty you have fro your garden. And the veggies all look so healthy, too. Happy WOYWW from # 7.

  5. Yes, the low sun and the fact that our May tree is dropping leaves like confetti makes sitting in the garden feel slightly more autumnal than I'd like it to feel! But..look at your harvest, what a compensation! Delicious...nothing like fresh beans is there. I admit to a snort or a snicker over you getting your tassels out too...but am also in awe of your patience in making them. And the way you organise your drawers by colour...makes me wanna swoon!

  6. Making quick visits as hubby is off work. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

  7. Drawers sorted in colours?....mine are all white ;-) Lots of tassels for the spinning too but I'm sure bogger ones would work better if you're wanting to get them spinning in opposite directions.
    Annie x

  8. What super bookmarks!!
    Great vegies, mine are all picked and ate.
    I must admit the swallows are worrying me, it really does seem too early.

    Create and enjoy
    Christine #19

  9. Your tassels are beautiful and something I have never tried to make before. Also just look at those wonderful veggies...mine are all gone for the summer. I have 1 pepper plant and 1 tomato plant left. Hoping for a few more of each soon.
    Glenda #17

  10. Beautiful bookmarks which will bring pleasure to the readers! Super home produce. Happy WOYWW. Angela #2

  11. Hi Jo, I don't know where the time's gone today. You've just remeinded me that I have a load of tassels that have been in the drawer for ...well years actually, need to find a use for them. Looks ;like you're making good use of yours, love the bookmarks. Well done with the veg collection too. Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs, Angela x14x

  12. rainbow tassels, such a delight to the eye and the purple scraps bookmarks are a great way of using up stuff. Love the idea of a drawer for each colour. Hugs BJ#12

  13. A great harvest!
    Love the bookmarks complete with tassels!
    I have similar drawers of scrap card/paper...
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #11

  14. A drwer for each colour of the rainbow - now that's the kind of storage system that really appeals to me! Great tassels by the way!! Sorry I'm so late, my week always seems to fall into chaos Thurs/Friday. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #16


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.