Wednesday 5 July 2023


 Good morning all. Here we are for another blog hop with all our WOYWW friends.

This week I have been creating workshop packs and mounting and framing pictures for Tilly Tea Dance.

I love the colours and textures she has created with her needle felting. I think these may have been samples she created for her workshops. Which is your favourite?

Then to follow the theme....

I knitted and embroidered a poppy fields twiddle mitt. I just need to add a few more twiddly bits of interest.

I hope you are all well. It's been a bit cooler so I have managed a few jobs like window cleaning this week.

 Look at the lovely lavender just outside my window - the bees love it!

So, that's me for this week.

x x Jo 


  1. Morning Jo. I think my favourite is the top one... and the twiddler too. your lavender is beautiful, I bet the bees love it. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. I love the poppies Jo both felted and twiddled. I bet that lavendar smells heavenly. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  3. Argh....just when I think I may be a little more together on the domestic front, someone mentions window cleaning! One of my 'blind spots' to be honest!! The weather has been vile this week so far, so that will do as an excuse for now. I can't really decide, but I think the pansies are my favourite, but I love the big skies behind the poppies too...aren't they wonderful little pictures that say so much.

  4. Hi Jo, it's always a pleasure to pop round here and see the lovely art work that arrives. Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x9x

  5. I can hear the bees from here! My big old lavender was dug out as it had gone over, I need to get a replacement! Lovely pics, the pansies one is my fav but the poppies on the twiddler really hit the sweet spot!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  6. I love them all!
    I managed to save four different types of lavender from Peter's collection, and the bees love them all. It's great to sit out and just listen to the buzz isn't it?
    Love your twiddler . . .
    Have a good week
    Christine #14

  7. Give me poppies any day Jo but I love them all....she has such talent. Love the twiddler too of course.
    Annie x

  8. Ooh that is hard! Every time I make my choice I go back to another one. I think the poppies, but they are all lovely as is your twiddler. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  9. Such fun posts, I've went back to visit. Colors you use are always cheery. Oh I love lavender, but I cant'grow it around here. I could when I lived more South, I think it's a weather issue. Enjoy Summer another month and school will start here..................

  10. Goodness Jo. I'm not sure because I like the pansies. But wait. I love the poppies. Oh shoot. I really like them all.

    Now the twiddle mitt with the poppies is stunning. I love how they really look like poppies.

    I am a bit envious of your incredible lavender. I wish it overwintered here, but it is too cold. Mine will never leave its pot, unlike what appears to be an entire field of lavender outside your window. Such beauty. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

  11. I still have my lavender bag from you, and know exactly where it is. (BTW Fairy Nuff is still reclining by the fruit bowl).
    Love the pictures from Maxine but to choose a favourite is difficult. Probably the top one but then I feel wrong for not choosing poppies.
    Love your poppy twiddler.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  12. All those pictures are fab but I think the pansies just take it - so lovely and detailed. Super twiddler as ever. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15

  13. Oh my gosh, I love that poppy fields twiddle mitt. So much!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.