Wednesday 21 June 2023


 Another week another Wednesday!

I can't believe we have reached the longest day already.

This week I have been making workshop packs for Tilly Tea Dance.  Yesterday I put together 31 packs.

This is the selection for the hedgerows and gardens workshop. . . .

I love the almost impressionist feel of the photo of it, all laid out.

Today I am going to restock one of Tilly's outlets. I tried last week but the road was closed for white lining! Just my luck. I think Tilly is coming with me so we can have a rare bit of quality time together.

I hope you are all fully refreshed after a few days of rain showers. The gardens certainly needed it.

Have a great week.

x x Jo 


  1. Enjoy your journey and catch up with Maxine Jo. Love all that coloured felt laid out like that. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. I love the look of the packs almost as much as the finished projects, what a beautiful set of colours. Happy WOYWW and have a good time with Tilly! Helen #2

  3. Here's to a lovely day out with your daughter, precious time together.
    Yes, the packs look lovely together and are reminiscent of an Impressionist painting.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  4. I love the look of all that fluff on your desk today. Enjoy your time with Max.
    Annie x

  5. Those packs just look so yummy, all those beautiful jewel colours. Have a great creative week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #13

  6. Happy summer solstice. Those roving packs are beautiful. Quite charming. Enjoy spending quality time today with your daughter. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  7. Hi Jo. I'm having a quick trip round now I'm back from thr show. Pleased to see you keeping busy. Wishing you a happy belated woyww, Angela x11x

  8. Lovely colours. Enjoy your time together. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

  9. Oh I hope you did get some time with Tilly, even if it was 'trapped'in the car together, so much business to do, it's hard to carve out time to just be isn't it. I love the look of your desk, those 'pulls' do look like brush strokes don't they, what a pretty workshop they will make.

  10. I'm guessing I am far too far away for a workshop but the colours are amazing and I did try some felting at a retreat last month. Hugs BJ#6


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.