Wednesday 24 May 2023


 Well folks, I completely missed our special day last Wednesday.

I had a call from an elderly friend in dire straits on Tuesday evening and I ended up packing a bag and spending four days supporting them 

Consequently, my own life and activities were put on hold. I apologize for not getting round to your desks and especially for not being able to thank you for the lovely ATCs which I received in the great swap. I have barely had chance to look at them. So, once I am able to have a bit of chill out time I will enjoy sitting down and studying your little works of art. Thanks lots to you all.

In order to empty my head of all the problems and dilemmas I have been dealing with, I took myself into my sewing room for short sessions when I got home.

Here are a few of the syringe driver bags that I made for our local hospital. We all have our ways of keeping sane! Sewing is my best way to escape 😀

So that's me for this week.

Let's hope next week is a little less chaotic.

x x Jo 


  1. oh Jo, I hope this week is better for you and your friends are ok. At least you have some gorgeous atcs to enjoy when life settles. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. I do hope you were of help to your friend Jo and that you have some time to relax a bit more and enjoy your ATCs this week. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  3. We did miss you but understood why you were needed elsewhere, your friends needed you so much more and we all get that. Hope things have calmed down for them a bit now, well done you for rushing to help. Those bags are lovely, the Laura Ashley fabric makes sewing a pleasure.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  4. Hi Jo. Do hope that your friend's are in a better place and that that you can relax. Great ATC'S, love the sewing. Take care Anne x 14

  5. Wow! What a marvellous friend you are, I wish I had someone like that . . .you will be so appreciated.
    Love those bags, very useful
    Thank you for your great ATC, loved mine.

    Have a good week
    Christine #18

  6. Your bags are really lovely Jo. Please look after yourself know we are here for you always.
    Annie x

  7. I hope things are OK with your friend now and that you have a calmer week than last week - what a very good friend you are. There's nothing better for de-stressing I find than a few hours in the craft room - your bags are wonderful - I love the fabrics, they are so bright and cheerful and will be very much appreciated I'm sure.
    Have a lovely week,
    Diana xx #16

  8. Hi Jo, unfortunately sometimes life gets in the way of other things we want to do. The bags look lovely and if that made you feel more relaxed then it's got to be good. I know how you feel as we've been having some difficult moments with mum recently. Take care and happy crafty woyww, Angela x13x

  9. Family and real life friends take precedence over everything else. Your bags are beautiful and colorful. Happy WOYWW from #4.

  10. You are a marvellous friend rushing round to help. A lady showed me a needle felting kit she bought from Home Bargains fo £1. A little beehive. I am wondering what else they have. Happy WOYWW Angela #19


  11. I do hope that your friends wil be Ok after last week. You are a good and caring friend.
    Those bags are beautiful and will be so appreciated by those who receive them. Take care of yourself and enjoy some chilling time xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.