Wednesday 26 April 2023


Welcome to my WOYWW desk for today.

I seem to have had few nice crafty sessions in my sewing room this week

 I have made a cover for a little journal using my recycled denim and some pre-loved embroidered linens. Then I used the scraps for a few cards for friends and family.

And then. . .

What lovely folks fellow crafters are.

My neighbour gave me this fab bag of leftover yarn for my twiddlers. . . 

And a friend passed these beads on for Maxine. They will be perfect for embellishing her pictures and for workshops 

Ben helped me to decorate his Mum's birthday cake. Here she is running over the Shropshire hills. We thought the candle looks like an Olympic torch.😀

So that's it for this week.

I will be posting out my WOYWW 14th anniversary ATCs with Annie's again this year and have made 14 of them. So, if you would like to swap, let us know. I think Annie is compiling a list 😀

x x Jo 


  1. Please can I swap atcs? I have some ear-marked for you two....Love the cake Ben made for his Mum! Happy WoyWW Helen #2

  2. The perfect cake for Maxine indeed. Love that journal cover Jo. Generous indeed of your friends and neighbours. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. Love the cake for Maxine!! How lovely to get stash passed onto you because you're so generous in sharing your ideas and stuff, hope the yarns are good for the twiddlers. Thank you for one of those lovely cards, they’re so pretty, I never think of sewing onto card but it’s very effective!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  4. Can I swap please?
    Love that cake, what fun you must have had and what a great new skill to teach young Ben.
    have a good week
    Christine #15

  5. Such a lovely desk of colour and texture Jo.
    Hope you get to taste the cake
    Lynn xx

  6. I'd love to swap please if I'm not too late! I love the denim journal cover and the beautiful little cards - such a great way of using vintage table linen. That's a fabulous cake and it must have been fun decorating it with Ben - I have fond memories of decorating cupcakes with my nephews but they are now 18 and 20 and little too old for that sadly!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #13

  7. I think I've already sorted the ATC swap with Annie but can't remember whether I mentioned it to you but I'd love to swap if that's okay. You may not have had a lot of time crafting but I love what you've done, the beads look useful too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x8x

  8. Oh my giddy aunt Jo ... those cards ... the journal cover 🥰😍🤩love,loooove, looove ... can you tell 😁😆😘 What lovely souks to pass on the things that you create with along with the beads for your lovely lassie ⭐️ Fabuuuulous cake 😋 goooo you and Ben whoot whoot!! If I'm not to late I would love to swap again this year with you and Annie 😊 please . Sending love and hugs Tracy #12 xxxx

  9. Our little visitor has just gone home so I'm playing catch up with a few blogs. I love all your makes and linked you before I linked myself this morning :-)
    Annie x

  10. What a brilliant cake - and I bet the inside tasted yummy.
    Oh wow, that little journal cover is beautiful. Are the flowers embroidered on by you or is it part of the fabric? It really is so pretty and I love pale blue and white - so clean and crisp looking. Your cards are pretty in pink and I am sure the recipients will be delighted - those are keepers!
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx
    ps did I sign up for an ATC swap - I can't imagine a year without the fabric ones from you and little sister.

  11. Hi Jo, if you have enough, I’d like to swap too, please. That journal cover is so beautiful! Your cards and cake are glorious too! Yes, the candle does look like an Olympic torch.
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 17

  12. Love your cards and journal cover, such a great idea. I have several embroidered cloths upstairs that I couldn’t think what to do with. Thank you for the inspiration. Angela #16

  13. moving supplies forward warms my heart, as it will the recipients of your twiddlers! I would love to swap and have made 8, and one for you and one for Annie! I am in love with that journal cover!
    Robyn 25

  14. Hi Twigglet, I'm here at last, sorry for such late pop in. Loving the cake, and ummmm??? 14 ATC's, I'm house sitting at the moment so an waaaaay behind! Have a great week, Happy late woyww ((Lyn)) #22


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.