Wednesday 26 October 2022


 This week I have been very busy as I have had my little playmate here.

We enjoyed all sorts of fun activities, but I think my favourite was this one.....

I showed Ben the photos, that I shared with you last week, of the Arcimboldo sculptures. He was impressed.

So, we tore or cut out pages from old gardening magazines and spent a couple of happy hours making each other laugh with the faces we created....

Ben's creations......

My attempts.....

I'm thinking of opening a gallery!!!!

Tomorrow I am making a Halloween outfit for him. He wants to be a Demogorgon! 

Watch this space (I have no idea where to start but I am sure it will come to me eventually)

Thanks for dropping by to see what I get up to.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Love your and Ben's artwork!! they would grace the walls of any gallery. Good luck with his outfit... no idea what a Demogorgon looks like! Helen #1

  2. Love the collages...a lot of fun has been had by you both.
    Annie x

  3. How lovely that you and Ben are playmates and creative buddies. Your makes were good and Ben ceratinly has inherited the creative gene.

  4. How much fun you've been having they look a bit like the art work of Arcimboldo. The next piece sound a bit scary but look forward to seeing it. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x13x

  5. Can't wait to see the Domogorgon outfit Jo (reminds me of eldest's 1.5 week notice that a Dalek costume was required lol). Loving the faces too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  6. What a genius idea using garden magazines as collage fodder, it just works so well! I think they deserve gallery space, better than a lot of art out there…. I have no idea what a Demo whatsit is but am sure your costume for Ben will be a triumph!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  7. Wonder art making session. I’m tempted to ask what a demigorgon is, but I expect I will wait and see. Happy WOYWW. Angela #5

  8. oh fun times. LOVE the idea you 2 shared. Kids can be so creative. I miss having mine close by so much. Video last night and Sky is truly a great little artist, she's 12 and her fun passion now is designing clothes !! Really great photos she shared. Have fun with the costume, will love the photos !!! Enjoy a good week.

  9. That's just brilliant! I bet Ben loved it too! A demogorgon? You have your job cut out for you LOL! How on earth are you going to do it? Well, if anyone can tackle this task, you can! Enjoy your week, Jo! xx zsuzsa #18

  10. I have no idea what a Demogorgon looks like so I wouldn't be much help. I am sure with your talent you will soon have this all sorted and ready for him to wear.
    Love your gallery pictures but I think Ben scores more than you for his. Sorry.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  11. Morning Jo. Well... my goodness - did you enjoy yourselves!! Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

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  13. I love the faces you and Ben made from the gardening magazines.Good luck with the Demogorgon, whatever that is :-)

  14. Hi Jo, apologies for being so late. Our internet hasn't been sorted out yet and connection is very patchy still. I love the vegetable faces - what a brilliant way to spend a few hours. Hope the Demogorgon outfit turned out well. Hugs, Ellie, x #21


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.