Wednesday 12 January 2022

WOYWW -bigger and better!

 Just a little update on the Amaryllis from last week.

All nine blooms on the 2 stems have now opened up and it is just the most stunning plant I think I have had. I know it won't last long but it is so beautiful and a delight to greet me as I enter my kitchen each time.

When I was teaching, my little ones used to love painting them and I am tempted to dip a brush in a pot of red paint and give it a go! Maybe I will have a go with Ben when he is here over the weekend.

My craft room remains unused at the moment but that's because in spare moments I have continued with my knitting challenge - to date - 3 hoodies, a little cardi and I have almost finished a little lace edged jumper.

So, as you see, never a dull moment.

I hope you are all well and able to make the most of life in these weird times.

Maybe later in the year I can email you all and say "Party in Shrewsbury - bring your own booze!"

Meanwhile, stay safe and well.

xx Jo


  1. Love yours....mine is just aiming for the’s huge!! And I mean huge but the flower hasn’t opened as yet. I just hope it opens before it reaches the attic.
    Annie x

  2. Morning Jo. Great knitting - you have certainly been busy. Never a dull moment in your house!! The amaryllis is gorgeous - yes... do have a go at a painting!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #8

  3. Fabulous flowers, Jo-I haven’t bought an amaryllis for years now but yours is an inspiration. Beautiful knitting as always. Happy crafting!

  4. Party indeed!! Gosh that has made me cross in the past few days - never has there been so much One Rule for us plebs and another for that shower in Westminster. Honestly, my extendable pitchfork is getting more ready for the revolution!! That amaryllis is completely stunning, I’m sure you’ll do a beautiful painting xx
    HUgs LLJ 3 xxx

  5. The amaryllis is beautiful. Love the little woollies too . Helen #6

  6. Well I like the idea of a party in your garden, I will bring tea and maybe a few little cakes! Your knitting is lovely. Happy WOYWW Angela #4

  7. Wow, the Amaryllis is stunning - that's a heck of a lot of blooms too, it must be very happy living with you! I love the beautiful little outfits too - they are so cute.
    Oh for a party - I'm yearning for some normality again, I've almost forgotten what socialising is like!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  8. If only ... (re party)
    Love the flower, well done. Love the knitting, again well done. But where are the Twiddlers? Missing them.
    Hugs Neet xx

  9. Gorgeous flowers and loving the knitting, beautiful. Happy woyww, Angela x13x

  10. The amaryllis looks stunning and the knitting is gorgeous. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#16)

  11. Stunning flowers ideed - I look forward to seeing your painting if you give it a go Jo. The knitted goodies are fab too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  12. It is a staggering gift if a plant isn’t it, I’ve never seen one with so many blooms. What a thing! I think you should get your paints out, for sure

  13. Hi Jo - go for it (the painting). I daren't let our grandsons near paints now - they would wreck the house! Everything turns into a combat game of some form. The amaryllis looks stunning. Great knitwork too. Not sure I'll ever master that, but I'm pleased to have learnt some crochet skills, so that will do for now. Ooh, a party, I vaguely recall what they are like!! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #20

  14. Oh yes do try and paint it!! Such a beautiful red. Cute little cardi's as well - just listening to something on the radio discussing people who like pink things! Very appropriate!! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy,xx (always up for a party lol)

  15. Hi,I have posted my Amaryllis too,it has not bloomed yet,the first time I have had one.Yours is just amazing.Love your knitting.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.