Wednesday 31 March 2021

WOYWW - wait till you see this one!

Somewhere over the rainbow.....

Oh so much fun had creating this one!
Dorothy, Toto and the Scarecrow here.

Tin Man and Scarecrow and then round the corner ...

The Lion and the Wicked Witch of the West!

All dancing along the yellow brick road beneath a rainbow.

All the arms and legs etc are free so they can be twiddled into position.
Inside there are more twiddly bits, ribbon, buttons etc.

Thanks for all your lovely comments.
I think I have made about 40 since lockdown and will keep going though, maybe not at the same rate once we can get out and about more.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Really super Jo and what a lovely gift to receive if you need to have a fidget/twiddle mitt. 💕

  2. Superb, Jo. I love the lion and the tin man especially.
    Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 4

  3. Oh Jo! This is really awesome! So colourful and I bet it sparks a lot of memories and singing (which I've heard is really good for dementia patients). Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #3

  4. Genius! You ought to have an art exhibition fo these twiddlers, they are mini works of art and your are so clever, the Tin Man is perfect!! Enjoy the sunshine, we’ve been gardening and going out but picking our times as there have been a lot of visitors to our little town now lockdown has been relaxed.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  5. Oh Jo, how I will miss your Twiddlemitts when you have a week off. Perhaps you could keep us/me amused by posting a photograph of an old one on those weeks. Just so we/I get a fix that week. It wouldn't be the same without your Twiddlemitts.
    Although I have never been a Wizard of Oz fan I can see how wonderful this one is and I do like it. You have put a lot into it and I just love the witch with her green face. It must have taken ag4es to make all those characters and they are so true to life (or fiction I suppose I should say).
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx

  6. Brilliant, love it and the rainbow too, super job BJ#13

  7. This twiddler is simply perfect....and even more so in real life.....don’t forget I’ve put my order in 😂😂😂
    Annie x

  8. Oh wow that is magic! Happy woyww Helen 10

  9. Fantastic! Has anyone ever thrown a challenge at you, you couldn't meet? I imagined these twiddlers much smaller than they really are - now that I've seen one of them on Spyder's blog in context, I realise they're quite a bit larger! Happy Easter! xx zsuzsa #22

  10. Just wonderful Jo. I wish my none card piece was as lovely. Happy Easter Anne x 29

  11. Another stunning twiddle mitt Jo. I hadn't realised how big they actually are until I saw the photo on Lynne's blog today - more like a twiddle muff. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

  12. Oh what a great twiddler!I feel a song coming on - Somewhere over the rainbow....Happy WOYWW and Happy Easter x Angela #5

  13. Gorgeous Twiddler, they just get better and better. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x21x

  14. your twiddle mitts are a delight and I am always amazed at how many characters you can include. Enjoy your time out and about. HappyEaster, stay safe and keep creating.
    Sandra de @33

  15. Seriously Jo, these are just fab. I can’t get over that you even had some shiny fabric to make the tin man. What a fab bunch of memories this will provoke whilst providing texture and something to do. You’re amazing.

  16. Jo, how much fun is your post this week! I LOVE the twiddle muff!!! I am a huge Wizard of Oz fan and these are gorgeous with all the twiddle bits! You are such a gorgeous artist and each and every muff that you do displays that! Such lucky recipients and even though they may not be aware of certain things, I bet they are sooooo blessed by these!!! Have a Happy Easter and a beautiful weekend! Felicia #25

  17. Brilliant, Jo! I love Tin Man and the fact that Dorothy has her red shoes on! Fabulous Yellow Brick Road, too. Your imagination and skill are superb! I so enjoy seeing what you come up with each week, and last week I was surprised to discover just how large they are. Just gorgeous.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #20

  18. Jo each time I see these twiddler's im stunned for words, you obviously enjoy making them and I sure do LOVE seeing them. I love the Wizard of Oz what a classic. I think lots of people will slow down with the crafting when they can see family and friends safely.
    Sorry i'm so late I had unexpected care duties to attend yesterday & a missed call from the Doc's to book Jab 2 in for a group so been chasing that up..
    All done now, bring on the weekend. Happy Easter to you & the family, I hope the Easter Bunny brings you all a basket full. Hugs Tracey xx

  19. Wow - that's fabulous!
    Sorry I am late visiting.
    Happy WOYWW and happy Easter!
    Susan #18

  20. Ooh my goodness! I think this is the best one yet! Even the little dog and the rainbow and the yellow brick road!! It's brilliant. people have been saying they didn't realise they were so big when they saw Lady Pam twiddling hers! Sorry I'm so late, Things happen and then, I.... fall asleep! Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy very Late last weeks WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#6


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.