Wednesday 9 December 2020



Good morning all. It was so lovely to "see" everyone on Saturday.

What a lovely bunch you all are. Thanks to Julia  - and Jan for holding us all together for the last 600 blog weeks. 

Last week our Sewing for Shropshire NHS dropped off some fabric for me to make into child size tote bags which are to be sold to raise money for local settings.

I had enough fabric ready cut out for 15 bags. The fabric was lovely and they went together well - especially with the rainbow tape for handles.

My little huddle of snowmen are going off to our local food bank to go out in the gift bags they will be distributing before Christmas. I have named them all and will be popping each one in a cello bag with a pack of Choc buttons or Maltesers.

So that's my lot for this week.

Have a great week everyone - stay safe!

xx Jo


  1. What gorgeous fabric to make bags out of Jo and I really love the rainbow tape to go with it. Well done you for making them all plus all the little snowmen. You're certainly keeping out of mischief :-)
    Annie x
    ps I've linked you.

  2. You are such a kind person Jo, those little bags are fantastic (I love the fabric a lot!) and the little snowmen are the perfect addition to gift boxes or bags. Wonderful to see you on Saturday but we didn’t get to chat enough!! Shall have to rectify that....
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxxx

  3. Love the beautiful rainbow photo Jo, it being a sign of Hope. The snowmen are so cute, and each with a name too! I'm sure each person will feel the love and joy that they take with them. Hugs, Sue #24 xx

  4. It was such fun on Saturday. Love that fabric and the snowmen are cute ! Helen #3

  5. It was great to see you on Saturday, but you were mostly quiet. Those bags are lovely and for a very worthy cause, too. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  6. The rainbow bags are great - what fabulous fabric, and I love the little snowmen too - what kind gestures, they will give such pleasure to people. It was lovely to 'see' you on Saturday, although it was somewhat overwhelming, especially when we went on to two pages!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #20

  7. Jo, I believe you are one of the busiest ladies!! Always doing something for others, which I so appreciate! All of the people you are blessing is such a testimony! I absolutely LOVE the rainbow bag! I sure wish I lived in your neck of the woods, I would pop on over and buy one!! The snowmen are the cutest ever!! Again, the folks in that food bank will be blessed by your generosity and love! Saturday was a blast and hope to do it again soon! Blessings for your week! :) Felicia #29

  8. Hi Jo, what lovely little bags you've been making - the rainbow tape makes the perfect handles. And your little snowmen - they are simply gorgeous. How kind of you to donate them to such a good cause. There are going to be some very delighted children this Christmas. Looking forward to seeing what you've been making again next week. Hugs, Ellie x #34

  9. Jo, your bags and snowmen are amazing!

    Thanks for being one of those who are willing to help shine more light into an increasingly darker world! I am sure the food bank clients will appreciate your RAK!

    Be well,
    Chana Malkah, #31

  10. Were you making the labels during the online crop, Jo, for the snowmen? It’s a lovely idea for the foodbank. I love your rainbow bags. I had a real laugh watching Kirstie Allsop putting the fringe on a twiddlemuff-yours are so detailed and you could really have shown her what a twiddlemuff us!!

  11. Hi Jo, was lovely seeing you on Saturday, lets hope it won't be too long until we can do it in person, but until then, Zoom is the next best thing! What gorgeous fabric for the childrens bags, and those little Snowmen are so sweet, kiddies are going to love them. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

  12. It was good to see you too Jo. Love the bags and snowmen. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  13. How kind, lovely bags end snowmen! The rainbow fabric is great for bringing some cheer
    Stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 26

  14. ..... and what a lot you have done this week - and all for others. To me time is a precious commodity that we all have and how we spend it depends on us all being individuals. You are a wonderful person, you are forever making things for good causes and I am proud to say that I know you.
    I think the snowmen idea is a wonderful one. Bravo!
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  15. It was lovely to catch up with so many on Saturday! It all worked very well.
    Love your makes this week - those tote bags are so bright and cheerful and what a nice idea for the little snowpeople...
    Happy 601st WOYWW!
    Stay Safe and Keep Well...
    Susan #9
    Calling All Crafters! – My personal Blog!

  16. Loving the snowmen and your bags. It was so lovely to see you on Saturday! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#33)

  17. The snowmen are such a lovely idea. It was great seeing everyone Saturday. Happy WOYWW Angela #25

  18. My goodness Jo, you've been busy with your needle. What lovely bright rainbow fabric for the bags.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.