Wednesday 1 July 2020


Good morning all!

Look what came in the post at the end of last week!

Jan sent me this most pretty little jewellery roll.
It is beautifully made with neat little poppers to match that gorgeous "Japanese" fabric.

I love it and I have decided to keep my family heirlooms in it.  (Don't get excited - I don't have much but did inherit a few treasured items from Mum and one or two of Grandma's little brooches).

Their value is mostly sentimental so I thought my little roll would be the perfect place to keep them and then I will always know where to look for them when I want to wear them. Seems obvious, but I have been known to search frantically for them - only to find that I had put them in a "safe place"!!

Thanks Jan - I will treasure it. You have a talent for putting colours/fabrics together so nicely.

Below is my latest twiddler - I thought it reminded me of Shropshire hills with rocky hill tops, heather and, of course - sheep.

Short and sweet today as I am going to Attingham Park with Maxine for a walk - let's hope it keeps dry.
We can have a "Tilly Tea Dance" staff meeting as we walk along!

Have a good week all.
Stay safe.

x Jo


  1. the jewellery roll is so pretty! Keep it safe somewhere... at least you will recognise it when you see it! your latest twiddle mitt is so pretty too. Have a good week. stay safe and enjoy the walk with Maxine. Helen #1

  2. I'm so pleased that you like the wallet and that you're using it for such a lovely purpose - your comment about Safe Places made me hoot, I'm the world's worst for putting something somewhere where I won't forget about it...and then promptly forgetting about it, lol!! Actually I thoroughly recommend having a Betty, she can be good company if a bit flighty at times ;-). Have a lovely walk with Max, the weather in BP can't make its mind up what to do today!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  3. That is such a beautiful mitt! It reminded me of Wales, especially after visiting a few Welsh desks this morning! I wish I could make something like that, even just to look at, but especially to twiddle with! Have a lovely week, Lisa-Jane #15

  4. Morning Jo. Another lovely twiddle muff - yes, it is rather like those hills! I loved my stay in your county last year. Hope the weather is doing all the right things for your time at Attingham - somewhere else I went last year. Goodness - doesn't that seem a long time ago now?!
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  5. Hi Jo!

    Love your jewelry roll! Jan did a good job and now you can really have your family heirlums in a "safe place".
    The twiddler is really nice - I love those little sheep!
    Enjoy your visit to the park!
    Love and hugs,

  6. The jewellery roll looks absolutely gorgeous in that pretty floral print. Love the latest twiddler just perfect for those busy hands that have so little to do. Enjoy your walk/staff meeting. stay safe while you create.
    Sandra de @10

  7. Enjoy your staff meeting as you walk around the Park - i wonder if it is the one Chas went to when he was down at the Crop?
    Love your jewellery roll, she is talented isn't she and such beautiful fabric too. But then I love your Twiddle Mitt as well. What a lovely one this is with the sheep at the bottom. I am sure the people who get them have many a happy hour looking at them and maybe talking about the scenes with the staff.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  8. Such a pretty bag from Jan....she's such a clever girl with fabrics isn't she? Love the latest've got the colours perfect for memories of the hills.
    Annie x

  9. Beautiful jewellery roll from LLJ and it’s lovely that you are going to use it for precious things. That’s a very Tilly Tea Dance Twiddle mitt and hope your team meeting was a success! Catriona

  10. I got one just like that too - perfect as i make quite a bit of jewellery - its gorgeous isn't it. Love the twiddly mitt. Hope the weather behaved ! Soojay #14

  11. Oh the jewelry roll is precious. I have an older one, I love to use when I travel. I am coping your photo of the twiddler...Never have seen them here and if we can ever visit the elderly I have a friend who loves working with yarn, I bet she'd love to make a few. I just feel so sad for all of them being so confined and only visits thru a window. Have a great week and Happy WOYWW kind of day.

  12. Hi Jo, I hope you enjoyed your Tilly Tea Dance staff meeting, and that the weather kept fine for you. Lovely jewellery roll from Jan, you are quite right, she does have a knack of putting colours of fabrics together nicely. Lovely twiddler from you too, I was looking for me in it - but realised you meant the shrub heather lol. Have a lovely week, hugs Heather xx #16

  13. That Twiddler Mitt is gorgeous. love it. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x20x

  14. Hope you had a lovely day out with Maxine Jo, I spent most of my day with my Mom as she now in my support bubble. Your twiddle mitts really are a work of art, I say it every time but i'd wear them as mitts they are so much prettier than my moth eaten cranford mitts. Jan jewellery roll will keep your treasured heirlooms safe, sound and nice and cosy, beautiful make.
    Take care & happy WoywW Tracey #8 x

  15. Love those sheep on your twiddler!
    Happy woyww!
    Susan #12

  16. how nice that you have a special use for that jewellery roll - fingers crossed it makes it easier to find your heirlooms than trying to remember th 'safe place' - sure we've all been there!! Great twiddle, the sheep are super cute.
    Stay Safe, stay well, Cindy #27

  17. I know what you mean about jewellery and safe places...I’ve been known to be scrabbling around in my undies drawer looking for a brooch or string of beads. Jan put one of these jewellery folds in my Christmas box and I’ve used it and used it already, love it. That Japanese fabric style is so pretty. Hope you enjoyed your walk...our staf meetings and planning are always done at such times. Usually when we’re on holiday!

  18. Love your jewellery roll from Jan - so pretty. Hope you enjoyed the walk and Staff meeting :-) Thank you for the kind comments. Anne x #25

  19. I do hope that you and Maxine had a pleasant walk, Jo and that the weather was kind. Love the latest twiddle mitt and the jewellery roll is indeed gorgeous. Stay safe and Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #2

  20. Congratulations on your jewelry roll from Jan, I have a little bag from her that holds my portable scissors, needles, pins etc and I treasure it so useful. Love your twiddle mitt. Ani

  21. Well done, receiving the pretty jewellery pouch from Jan! She is so clever with fabrics. I love the little pincushion that she sent me once. I'd never heard of those twiddler mitts before you shared them with us - such a great idea, and this one is particularly gorgeous!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #7

  22. All of your "twiddlies" are so pretty Jo... I'd love a pair of socks just like them. Well, with the exception that I'd need to find some pretty cotton skeins for somebody to use to knit them (since I can't knit) .. and, ...I itch like crazy with wools.
    I actually saw something similar on a clothing site the other day so had to come back to look at your little guys.... they copied you I'm sure.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.