Wednesday 13 May 2020


 Apologies for not visiting many desks last week. I have been working on theses gowns for NHS. We are given duvets etc and then transform them into a gown for use in the community. I sent this photo to the kind lady who gave me the duvet and she sent such a lovely message back. Apparently it had been her late Mum's favourite duvet and she said she would have been so thrilled to know it had another life!

On VE commemoration day my hubby showed me an old newspaper from the day, belonging to his Dad who was in the RAF. He had saved it and we put it on our window with the bunting for folks to have a passing glance .

I had to chuckle at some of the adverts....

AND 75 years later we are still having to resort to baking powder when there are flour shortages in the shops!!

Take care and keep safe all. I am not even going to mention the new rules and slogans!!
Looking forward to my one to one meeting with someone in the park though!!!!

xx Jo


  1. I think the ads in old papers are fascinating! that gown is just beautiful, I can see why it was a favourite duvet set. Enjoy the park and stay safe! Helen #?

  2. You are doing great work transforming those duvet covers Jo. Love old newspaper ads. Worth scanning for printing out as ephemera. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  3. Oh well done for those amazing gowns, you're a complete star for doing such great work for the community. Those old newspaper ads are hilarious, all about the little housewife - I'm truly glad that I don't have to conform to that! Enjoy your meeting in the park - it could be fun, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  4. Hi Jo. Great gown. And what a lovely idea, to send the photo to the donor of the quilt. Well done. Glad you were able to decorate for last Friday! Sounds fun.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  5. No need to apologise! You are doing sterling work. What a great momento to display for VE day - I always like looking at old ads especially! Stay well, stay safe, Happy WOYWW Cindy #24

  6. Another beautiful gown - i can see these being museum pieces in years to come - you are most definitely forgiven for being too busy to visit many desks. The adverts made me smile too :) Take care and stay safe Soojay #27

  7. Hi Jo, love looking at old adverts-they often seem funny compared to how we think today. Flour & yeast are the new 'hard to find', aren't they? Love the gown, and isn't all the public involvement in helping our NHS wonderful?Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz#10 X

  8. Wow, you are doing a fabulous job with the gowns - that is lovely fabric and it's so nice that something that was so valued is being used for such a good cause. Love the newspaper cuttings, what a different world it was back then!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #21

  9. The fabric in the gown is stunning and the news paper cuttings are such fun. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Stay safe and well and take care my friend, with love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#6)

  10. Great gown, someone is going to love this. The newspaper cutting are interesting too. Wishing you a lovely crafty woyww. Stay safe, Angela x16x

  11. I am loving the flowers on your NHS gown what a treat for the person who wears this gown. What a lovely piece of history to admire and have a giggle over. Hope you have a lovely catch up in the park. Stay safe.
    Sandra de @5

  12. Loved looking at the adverts in the old papers, and the gown it lovely

    Lilian B #18

  13. Oh that’s a great use for the duvet covers, how clever you are Twiggers. I think cheery gowns would make quite a difference to the atmosphere if they could be in use permanently! Love the newspaper, my word it’s a shock to have continuing relevant adverts isn’t it! Oh I hope you’ve had a fun meeting in the park, how lovely, at last!!

  14. Wow, Jo, I didn’t realise it took so much fanric to make a gown. Well done for helping out-my 24 scrubs bags now all have owners. I’m having a knitting phase just now but my shoulder is hurting so back to sewing soon. Catriona

  15. So sorry I am so late mainly because of the computer - now got a new one - yeah - someone turned up trumps and bought me a new one.
    Wonder who you are meeting up with in the park?????
    Love what you are doing - you are so kind and thoughtful. Giving your time for making something means so much more than spending/giving lots of money in my book - well done Jo.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. So nice you are making gowns for the NHS. I am just making masks for friends. We had a nice VE DAY street party in our close and a girl over the road brought out some old photos and, newspapers and an original VERA LYNN record!I liked the adverts on your post too!
    Lots of love and hugs, stay well and safe!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.