Wednesday 20 May 2020

WOYWW 11th anniversary!

Happy WOYWW 11th anniversary!

So, amazingly, we have shared our desks with our global blogging buddies for 11 years.
Who would have thought that such a simple idea would have blossomed into such a wonderful community of love and friendship. We have shared not only our desk activity but also the ups and downs of life along the way. 

This year, of all years, it has been good to keep in touch virtually as we have been left with very little else by way of "connection". Our much awaited Crop 11 here in Shrewsbury was cancelled so we have been denied that fun "get together". It hasn't stopped us linking up, messaging and calling friends to keep in touch and help one another.
So from my desk to yours comes a little collage by way of celebration.

It is my own design but the basic idea comes from a clever crafter called Flossy Teacake. Like many crafters, she has been selling online to help keep afloat. I bought one of her little house collages and it inspired me to have a go myself.

It was a treat to do something crafty - other than, bags, hats, gowns and masks!!!

I will be raising a glass of Prosecco tonight in honour of our 11 years of friendship.
CHEERS! To one and all. Thanks to Julia and Jan for keeping us on the straight and narrow and enabling Mr Linky to do his thing!

 I will be round to see what you have been up to later!

xx Jo


  1. HI Jo, what a pretty picture, so relevant to this year! Let's hope we can have our postponed crop at some time in the not too distant future! Stay safe; Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Such a lovely card, Jo, and such a lot of detail in it. Happy 11th Anniversary of WOWW from the newbie. Keep safe. Catriona

  3. Love the little picture Jo. So pretty.
    Annie x

  4. Hello Jo and wishing you a wonderful anniversary. Thank you for years of creative inspiration and internet connection. Lovely collage and seems to capture the cheer of WOYWW. Stay safe and keep creating.
    Sandra de @16

  5. Such a lovely fabric collage Jo. Perfect for celebrating such an auspicious occasion. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #15.

  6. Morning Jo. Happy 11th anniversary. That's a lovely little cottage - hope you had fun making it. No, we can't meet up next month - but we can indeed still connect. What fun we all have snooping around!
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  7. What a lovely little collage - so perfect for the times are are living in at the moment.
    Happy WOYWW Anniversary to you and have a great week,
    Hugs, Diana xx #28

  8. Love, love, love that collage! it is just brilliant and so says it all about the present times. Thank you for sharing.
    Take care and stay safe
    Happy Anniversary
    Christine #31

  9. Oh Jo, your little house collage is just adorable... I love it!! What a lovely way to share in our 11th anniversary celebrations! I am feeling myself drawn to houses as a theme at the moment and think I must explore this further. Thank you for your visit and your very kind words about my multifarious UFOs!! Yes, they are mostly textile based... Having got them all out to photograph them, I do feel a bit more inspired to make inroads into them now, and have brought a lot more clutter down into the sitting room so that I can work on them from the comfort of the recliner! Let's just hope I don't go off the boil again.

    Happy WOYWW 11th anniversary,
    Shoshi x #20

  10. Happy 11th Bloggyversary Jo! I am so vert glad that our paths crossed via woyww, it has been a privilege and pleasure to get to know you. I would like to thank you for your generosity in sharing patterns, fabrics, yarn etc etc over the years, it has been much appreciated. And yes, the thought of Julia trying to keep us both on the straight and narrow had me in kinks, it's just not going to happen - especially when you're someone with a naughty sense of humour like you. I, of course, am innocent and sweet.........
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx
    PS Lovely house collage btw, so pretty!

  11. Love your little house! I had made tentative plans to travel up for a week's break to visit the crop but alas it was not to be! I will be raising a toast tonight as well, I think we will be in the garden till quite late it is so lovely today. Happy WOYWW Cindy #26

  12. Hi Jo, hopefully we might be able to get a crop later in the year, when things get a bit more normal. That would be lovely. Love your fabric collage, so pretty. I think I * may* have a g&t, or a Southern Comfort & Coke tonight to celebrate, lol. Decisions, decisions! Much love and hugs to you both, Shaz & Doug. XxXxXx #12

  13. Beautiful design! Cheery colors!
    In some places here in the U.S. we are getting out and about more and more. Hopefully you will be able soon too.
    Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful 11th anniversary!
    Carol N #34

  14. What a lovely way to celebrate the 11th WoywW Anniversary, super design speaks so much to me during these times and thank you so much for the link, I must take a look as you so kindly added it. Raising a glass to you and the family Jo, Happy WoywW & many many more years to come Hugs Tracey #10 xx

  15. Happy 11th Anniversary, Jo. I love your little house you made in honor of our 11th anniversary. I'm off to see Tilly's blog because I know you are supportive of other artists. Thanks for stoppying by earlier. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

  16. That should have read FLOSSY, not Tilly. DUH!!!

  17. Hi Jo, happy anniversary to you too! I love your little textile piece and sentiments. Indeed we've been sharing not only our arty/crafty projects but our lives as well along the way! Thanks so much for your visit - keep happy & healthy! xx zsuzsa #30

  18. Hi Jo!
    Thank you so much for your kind words about my little felting experiment. I wish very much your daughter would do teaching online - I would love to buy one of her online classes. I don't think face to face classes will happen any time soon! I must say that your work has also inspired me over the years! I will send you my address and thank you so much for the prefelt! If you know where I could buy some please let me know. Happy anniversary and cheers! See you again soon!
    Love and hugs

  19. Happy Anniversary Jo, we are indeed indebted to Julia for having given birth to woyww all those years ago. So many friendships have been forged and I have had the good fortune to meet you on more than one occasion but all because of woyww.
    That is a lovely collage you have done for us all to see - thank you for sharing your lovely picture and thank you for all the wonderful work you have been doing for the nhs.
    You are a treasure.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  20. Cheers Jo, Happy WOYWW anniversary, even if I am a day late. Yes, that collage is a very pretty alternative to mundane bags and masks,
    Thanks for sharing
    Chris #8

  21. Thank you for your visit to me blog,

    Love you little cottage with the rainbow over it,

    Have a good week and stay safe,

    Lilian B #21

  22. I’m sorry I’m late, don’t worry though, I did not fail on the ‘raise a glass’ part of yesterday! Seriously love your collage, it sums up the home life and hope we’re all experiencing perfectly. Flossy Teacake is as clever gal isn’t she...I would love one of the 3D models that show at her page top...I keep popping over to check her shop. I see Maxines influence on Cardarian too, you must be especially proud of how hard she’s working to keep her business afloat, hats off to her too!

  23. hi Jo, Happy Anniversary :) the stitching on that piece is just WOW :) ~Stacy #38

  24. Happy belated WOYWW Anniversary! I have finished my marking so can now comment on blogs. I love the little house- so cute! Take care my friend and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#19)

  25. Happy 11th Anniversary Jo. Thank you for your friendship and I hope we get to meet up soon
    Lynn xxx

  26. Happy belated 11th WOYWW, dear Jo, isn't IT amazing!? 😊 and so grateful to have your friendship through it! Especially grateful to have met you and do some rather inexpert dumfing in Llundudni in 2018!!
    What a cute little WOYWW cottage for our 2020 celebration too... lovely!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X 7

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  27. Hi Jo. I do love your picture. Thank you for popping by. Belated Blogaversary greetings. Anne X 37


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.