Wednesday 24 July 2019


Well, what a lovely day we had yesterday!
Margaret (glitterandglue) and Annie(Wipso) called here. We had coffee and cakes followed by a quick trip over to Dobbies for lunch. Wow was it hot - Margaret's car said 36 degrees!

It was lovely to catch up with her and weather permitting we are going on a little drive over to Powis Castle on Saturday.
I just wish we had asked our "family photographer" to take a snap of the three of us.

My table has been loaded up with Ben's school uniform as I have been sewing in name labels.
BUT today it looks like this as I have a day out, so nothing will be happening here today.

I hope you are keeping cool but enjoying the Summer nevertheless.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. How lovelt to have a day out with a friend-hope the food was good. I’m beyond hot in this weather so staying in to sew if I can. X

  2. What a fab day we all had Jo. It's so lovely to benefit from that little seed Julia planted all those years ago isn't it?
    Annie x

  3. Glad you had fun with Annie and Margaret Jo. Enjoy your visit to Powis, hope you can keep cool. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

  4. Hi Jo, glad you had a fab day with Margaret. Just told Annie now I have a rough treatment schedule- and District nurse visit schedule- I'll let her know some possible dates to pop over for a visit. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  5. How lovely to be able to catch up with family and crafty friends and enjoy your time together.
    sandra de @20

  6. Have fun but remember the sunscreen lol!
    Christine #19

  7. How lovely to meet up with Margaret, I've been wondering how her Grand Tour was going! Great that you managed to meet up and have a good catch-up. Well done for the name tape sewing, that takes me back!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  8. Hi Jo, enjoy your day out today - certainly lovely weather for it! If was great that Margaret stopped by to see you and Annie. Amazing that many friendships have been formed, that now extend beyond the weekly blog and the annual crop. A truly wonderful bunch of ladies, and hubbies - mustn't forget them! Have a lovely week Heather xx #9

  9. How lovely to hear that you met up with Margaret, I have been wondering how she is doing on her grand tour. Have a wonderful week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#17)

  10. I heard that you'd got a chance to see Margaret, what fun! I hope the weather allows you to go to Powis Castle (i.e not too hot!) Hope you had a great day out. Helen #1

  11. Sounds like you had a fabulous and uplifting day Jo, no time to stop and interrupt the fun with snapshots.. Labelling days, I remember them well with my three, I still have some of those embroidered labels.
    Happy WoywW & have fun at the Castle Tracey #8

  12. Very envious of your meet up ladies. Wish I could have joined you.
    Lynn #6

  13. Gosh, that takes me back a few years - sewing name tapes in uniforms. A job I was not at all fond of.
    Must have been lovely for you to have two WOYWW'ers drop in like that, even if one does it regularly. Shame you did not get a photo of the three of you, did Margaret not either?
    Hugs and stay cool
    Neet xx 2

  14. Spending time with friends is fun, plus it can recharge your creative juices. Happy belated WOYWW!


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