Wednesday 6 September 2017


Good morning all!

My work table hasn't seen much action this week so I thought I would show you the knitting I have been doing over the last week.

It's a little hoodie for my great nephew. I made him one about 2 years ago and he has always insisted it's his favourite jumper so I decided it was time I made him a bigger one. This time he requested giraffe buttons. I managed to find some so will show you the finished article next week.

I have to dash this morning as I have to go for my annual blood test. As diabetes is in my family, the GP decided I should have a regular check so hopefully all is well.
Then I have Ben for the day - he had his first half day at pre-school yesterday and loved it.

Have a great week and thanks for calling by.

x Jo 


  1. what a cute hoodie - giraffe buttons will be perfect for that! hope the blood test goes well. Helen #1

  2. The hoodie is looking great Jo....I'm sure Sam will love it. Hope all goes well at the Drs. Manic day here today....what idiot decided to offer 10% off my bears lol.
    Annie x

  3. Hi Jo, Fabulous hoodie; can't wait to see it in all its glory with the giraffe buttons. Good luck at the Drs. Happy WOYWW Sarah #19

  4. Hi Jo, and I hope the bloodtest went well. Love the hoodie, and don't they make some strange requests? Giraffe buttons- I'm amazed you found some though!Great that Ben enjoyed his first time at pre school. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  5. Cute hoodie! I love th colours and how wonderful that Sam loved his old one so much, he wanted a replacement 😍 I can't believe that Ben is in pre school, time is going too quickly.....
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  6. What a cute sweater! I'm sure he will find lots of "treasures" to keep in the pocket! Have a great week, thanks for sharing! Lindart #31

  7. love the sweater - and giraffe buttons sound just the ticket !!! I'm sure he will love it. Anne x 17

  8. Gorgeous Hoody, could do with one of those for myself. Have a happy woyww, Angela x14x

  9. What a great pattern...that pouch pocket is a wonderful inclusion, no wonder it's a favourite!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.