Wednesday 16 August 2017


Summer Exhibition

Good morning all!
Well after a few weeks absence, I am back posting a few pictures for my WOYWW buddies to enjoy.
We have had a couple of really busy weeks. Maxine had a crafters' demo table at Burwurton Show and then she spent last week preparing for her Summer exhibition at The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms.

So, I have been helping out by mounting pictures and of course.......

The best job in the world - looking after Ben. We have devised a few new games - Crab apple basket ball using the composter, wet giants (a game in wellies on a rainy day) and World Benthletics - races and field activities on Nanny's back lawn. He can run much faster than I can now!

As for my crafty activities - well my room is slowly being taken over by packaging and bubble wrap...

I don't mind - it's so good to see her little business flourish and great to be able to help out.
In the evenings I am finishing off  about 40 Chocolate Orange Christmas puddings. Ha ha - sounds like I am eating them!! No, just knitting to stop me falling asleep after busy days.
My scar face is healing nicely but still feels tight and I know it sounds silly but it wears me out by the end of a day. I guess it's all the extra effort needed to move my facial muscles over tight skin - would help if I just kept quiet but that's not likely to happen!!

So, that's me for this week.
I hope you are all well and enjoying this changeable August weather. We have had some lovely sunny days - not too hot - just fresh and beautiful.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. It's good to see you joining in this week. You didn't mention that we have already fitted in two morning coffees this week to our busy lives hehehe....aren't we blessed? Here's to many more.
    Annie x

  2. Wow, busy times! I'm so pleased that Max's business is doing so well, she deserves to succeed, her work is fabulous! I'm pleased that your face is healing - Julia uses a facial massage roller from the Bodyshop to help her muscles recover.
    And your comment about Wipso's tape measure made me snigger :-D
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  3. I'm delighted to have bought some of Maxine's beautiful work. Can't wait til September for it to arrive. You are one talented family all round and it's great that you get to spend time with lovely grandson. Catriona

  4. Morning Jo. Wow. You are exceedingly busy at the moment - must see if I can get down to Shrewsbury to have a peek at the exhibition!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  5. That work of Maxine's is fabulous. Glad you're having such fun with Ben. Wishing you a continued recovery. Sarah #25

  6. Hi Jo, sounds like your Ben time is such fun. Saw a FB picture of Max with him last week- I was amazed at how big he has grown. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 XxX

  7. Oh your poor face - it is exhausting I agree...gentle and often massage has really vastly improved my facial palsy. I bought a facial massage roller thing from the Body SHop (at the time, it seemed a ridiculous amount of money - £16), that has proved to be the best thing ever. I use it a lot, but at least once a day...usually when I'm watching tv in the evening, it really helps the tightened muscles.
    Maxine is going great guns, and I'm totally wth you, the trade off of looking after Ben is a great way to have special time in the name of 'help'!

  8. Lovely to hear from you this week... sounds as though you are having great fun with Ben... the art work is amazing.. I hope with gentle massage your face will not feel as tight soon. Take Care... May#17

  9. Hi Jo. Nice to meet you and your desk. The pictures are beautiful, I hope the exhibition goes well. I would love to trade my job for looking after my grandchildren. I make do with sleepovers at weekends, I love their enthusiasm for everything but it can be tiring! Have a lovely week, Heather #30

  10. It sounds like you are enjoying life greatly. The artwork is beautiful. Have a great week!

    Suzanne #38

  11. Max' work is lovely and your chocolate orange puddings are making me hungry, although not for knitting! Lolz ;)
    Happy WOYWW!
    ~Rose of Rose's Art Garden #36

  12. hope your face feels 'looser' soon... you're certainly being kept busy, but good for Maxine, it's really good she's doing so well. Helen #1

  13. Sounds like you and Ben are great pals! Nice of you to help out, and to donate space for bubble wrap and boxes! Have a great week, thanks for sharing, Lindart #35

  14. Hi Jo, it's so good to see your daughter's business doing so well - she makes lovely pictures. Sounds like Ben is having a whale of a time in the garden - love the idea of Benthletics. I gulped when I read you were finishing off 40 chocolate oranges ... they are lovely but 40 would be just a tad too many for me :) Glad to hear your scar is healing. I had a benign cyst removed from near my eye once and I was told that I looked as though I'd gone several rounds with Mike Tyson afterwards. Isn't there an oil that you could rub on your scar to ease the tightness. I vaguely remember of hearing of one somewhere but I've forgotten the name. Thanks for your earlier visit and comment - it was nice to hear from you. Have a wonderful week. Elizabeth x #28

  15. Oh that is some lovely art work your daughter makes! I love your over head picture of the rainbow by the way, so beautiful and serene to look at!
    Have a great week! xo Cheetarah WOYWW #37

  16. Busy! Busy! Jo. All that brilliant art work and gorgeous Ben too it couldn't be better. Have a great woyww and thank for the visit to mine, Angela x21x

  17. crab apple basket ball! love it! We wanted our peace circle to be a mostly silent vigil, and we wanted the children to participate, so we gave home all bubbles. It's hard to be noise of mouth when you are blowing bubbles!
    thanks for the kind words

  18. The artwork is lovely. So glad the business is seeing success. :-)
    April #23

  19. I am not at all surprised at how well Maxine is doing - her work is beautiful. I love the highland cattle at the top - is he fabric or painted? Either way he is a beautiful example.
    Glad you are improving all the time. Take care.
    Hugs & Thanks for visiting me earlier - Neet 13 xx

  20. Jo, I love that you are such a positive reinforcement for Maxine's business! What a blessing to have her mum by her side!! I am a HUGE fan of her work and have asked many a question on how to get it started with felting myself! And what a blessing for her that you are able to spend so much time with Ben...and look at you...keep it up and you WILL run faster than him! LOLOL Blessings for a great weekend! Felicia #32

  21. I'd be eating the chocolate pudding!!!!

    Have a great day!
    Diane #26


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.