Wednesday 21 June 2017


Good morning all!
I hope you are enjoying all this wonderfully sunny weather.
It's certainly been hot here. Driving back from my hospital appointment on Monday, the temperature was 32C  around 2 pm! 
I have tried to keep my face out of the sun - it's not a pretty sight and I certainly don't want to suffer from sunburn too. My scars are healing well and the consultant was pleased with his handiwork so that's all good.

My desk hasn't seen much action but you know how it is....

My grandson enjoys a story - this week it was Suddenly by Colin McNaughton. So we had to pretend to be the wolf and Preston Pig. Hence the dash to the craft room for pink card, scissors and stapler!
Easy peasy for an ex-infants teacher Nanny. He loved the mask and spent much of the day acting out the story with nanny as the wolf!

The rest of the table carries the remnants of Maxine's crafty Tilly Tea Dance activity - she has been busy stocking shelves with her work at a "Buy from Shropshire" gallery in Shrewsbury.

I hope you are all well and having crafty fun around the globe.

I will be round for a snoop at your WOYWW desks later.
Thanks for calling by.

x Jo


  1. I thought at the very least we'd see you in your wolf mask hehe. Love the pig one as I'm sure Ben did too. Have a great week.
    Annie x

  2. I'm glad all is well after the op and the consultant is pleased with you! I've been staying out of the sun too but mostly because I can't bear the heat...reckon I've got Eskimo blood in me somewhere! The pig mask made me smile, well done you - isn't it always the way that the simplest things we make bring the most pleasure?
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  3. Great way to bring a story to life. Hope the scars continue healing well and that you aren't too troubled by the heat. Sarah #28

  4. Hi Jo, sounds like great fun was had with the story & mask. Always love seeing Max's work, so happy they are going well in so many places. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 XxX

  5. Great WOYWW. Thanks for sharing xx Jan 31

  6. It's certainly been hot hasn't it, although I think you've had higher temperatures then us. Glad everything is healing up nicely.
    Have a good week
    Hugs Lisax #21

  7. Cute pig mask. I've been MIA for a while so I don't know what's been happening but I am glad to hear you are healing well.

    Have a great day!
    Diane F #27

  8. nope,not enjoying the heat at all, thanks!! can't wait for it to cool down. glad your surgeon is pleased with you. Love the mask; sounds like a fun playday! Helen #8

  9. Sounds like lots of fun. Us ex teachers can turn our hand to lots of things can't we :-) I really don't like this intense heat, don't deal with it very well. Anne x #17

  10. Glad to hear the surgeon is happy with what has been done the skin will take time to heal it's a good idea to keep well away from the sun at the moment... Love the little pig mask... The other day I had to wear a Spider-Man cape and mask... well my lovely little 3 year old Grandson was batman... I have great fun in their little innocent world... Have a happy week ahead Take care Hugs May #21

  11. Hi Jo, sorry I've missed a couple of weeks and didn't know you had been poorly. I hope you are recovering well and continue to do so. I love the pig, it sounds like you've been having loads of fun!
    Diana x #23

  12. What a brilliant thing to do with the mask and something always to be remembered.

    And in answer to your first question. A big fat NO! It's awful.

    Have a great week,

    Carmen x #32

  13. Hi Jo, hope you're healing well. Have they told you to moisturise your scar? I love the pig mask, what a great way to bring a story to life! Have a great week, hugs, Lynne #20


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.