Wednesday 7 June 2017


Good morning  to all our WOYWW buddies around the globe.
My workdesk is out of action this week - or is it just me who is out of action?!!
I had a little op on my face to remove a bcc and have been told to rest up this week.
All went well and, although the dressing makes me look like the Phantom of the opera ( slight exageration!), I am fine - just a bit bruised and battered. Annie suggested posting a photo but I will spare you that!

My lovely friends and family have visited and brought beautiful flowers so, I thought you would like to see them. My camera is still playing up and only wanted to focus on one photo.So, this is just one of the two lovely bunches.

In these troubled times, my little op is just a drop in the ocean - there will be so many folk with far, far more to cope with than me, and my thoughts and good wishes go out to them all.

I promised a snap of my lovely ATCs but as yet, I still have one or two more to photograph, so I will leave them till next time. BUT, can I just say a huge thank you to all who sent their beautiful little works of art to me. I love receiving them and treasure each one.

Have a good week.
Thanks for calling by.

x Jo


  1. hope you recover quickly. the flowers are gorgeous.. strange about your camera, hope that can be sorted soon. Helen #1

  2. Wishing you a speedy recovery....the rest will do you good. Biggest hugs.
    Annie x

  3. Hello Jo. The flowers are beautiful , I hope you soon feel better. I too still have to photograph my ATC's , but thank you for the lovely one I received from you. Anne x #19

  4. Sorry to read you are out of action due to an operation and hope all went well and that you will make a great recovery ... soon too! Lovely flowers

    Happy WOYWW


  5. Time for desk hopping today, at least you can't get upto to much mischief doing that.
    Take it easy missus
    Lynn xx 25

  6. Hope you are getting plenty of R "n" R, Jo and you recover quickly. What beautiful flowers.
    Thank you so much for your beautiful ATC, what a joy it's been receiving them.
    Hugs Lisax #23

  7. I have no idea what a bcc is, but it sounds serious if you have to rest an entire week. Hope you are feeling much better soon. Hope your camera is, too! Happy WOYWW from #5.

  8. Hi Jo. You just relax and get better, we're all thinking about you. Lovely flowers too. I've been showing pics of my ATCs as they arrived but think I will do a biggy when they are all here. Happy woyww, Angela x14x

  9. Gorgeous flowers, hope your recovery goes smoothly. Have a restful week.
    sandra de @31

  10. Hi Jo, hope you are starting to feel a little better by now. There have been so many fab ATC's as always, loved yours and Twiglets, so tactile. Are you coming to the September Crop as well as Annie?Take care of yourself, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  11. First of all, gentle hugs my friend. Stay rested, enjoy the fuss and allow your body to re overl
    Lovely flowers, so bright and sunny - did you have the terrible winds yesterday? Just what the doctor ordered.
    Take care,hugs and thanks for already visiting me.
    NEet xxx
    Ps I have messed my computer up, pressed something, and now cannot use it. Trying to do this on my IPad..m

  12. Feel better soon. Look forward to seeing your collection of ATCs. Hugs, Sarah #8

  13. Glad you're ok after the op...even though it may have been minor, it still upsets the system. Sending big hugs ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xxxx

  14. How like you to underplay it, but if it's your priority, it's ours too, and I hope you ant feeling too shaken and beaten up. It's weird having a face that doesn't look like yours for a while isn't it! Lovely flowers and of course, thanks for my ATC....treasure indeed. Xx

  15. Recover quickly! And enjoy the beautiful flowers :)
    Have a great Wednes-YAY!

    Bubbles #36

  16. I hope you recover quickly from your op - the flowers are beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41

  17. glad to hear all is going well from your surgery! It isn't much fun at all. Had face cancer and reconstruction in 2007 and I thought I would be deformed for life but unless I tell you about it you don't notice it now days. I received my ATC from you an Annie yesterday! I will get mine in the mail by the end of the week. Last week was horrible busy and wore me out so I am playing catch up this week. Hope you have a great week! Vickie #43

  18. Hope you feel better very quickly! Many thanks for youths ATC, hugs, Lynne xxx #30

  19. Wishing you a speedy pain free recover.. your flowers are so beautiful... Take it easy in the week ahead.... take care May #13

  20. Thanks for your visit earlier - hope you are up and about now.
    I'm sorry I missed out on one of your ATCs, you made some lovely and bright ones.
    Take care and rest
    Christine - Bishopsmate #24


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.