Wednesday 4 January 2017


 Happy New Year everyone!
Let's hope 2017 is a healthy and happy year for all.

I am a bit late posting this as I have been out on the building site discussing diggers, dumpers, fork lifts and tipper lorries with Ben. What fun hey!

I have been trying to mount a few needle-felted sheep pics for Tilly Tea Dance. She is now re-stocking after a fab pre-Christmas rush.
Also on my ironing board (used for crafty activity - hence the mess) are three of the books I was given for Christmas. Gervase Phinn was one of my Advisors when I taught in North Yorkshire so I always enjoy reading his latest books. The other two will amuse me too no doubt.

AND this is my latest little knittie - just waiting for me to sort out some pretty little buttons. I have boxes and jars full but I bet I can't find five suitable ones to match!

Short and sweet today.
I hope you are all well and looking forward to a busy and exciting WOYWW New Year.

x Jo


  1. You know where to come to for nice pink buttons but I bet I've got 4 of every set too lol.
    Annie x

  2. Hi Jo, love the little knit. the books should provide some amusement, I take it the Grandparent one is one of the Funny books for adults from Ladybird books? There are quite a few of them now. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 xx

  3. Happy New Year, Jo. Love the books!!! Enjoy them. It sounds like you are already busily digging yourself into 2017.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  4. what a gorgeous little jacket - always the way with the buttons!
    Happy New Year Jo. Helen #2

  5. Hi there, I was given the book with the kettle on by my D.I.L. at Christmas as a fun part of my pressie :-) Love the little knit - I want to try and do more knitting this year. Hope you find some buttons. Ann x #20

  6. Very sweet sweater, reminds me of the days when I used to knit! Hope you find the perfect buttons (I know you will!) Happy New Year! Lindart #37

  7. Those little felted sheep are just gorgeous! Happy New Year and happy WOYWW to you!
    Tertia #8

  8. It could be said that the building site discussion was the most important of the day! Spent a long time looking at the 'new' ladybird books before Christmas, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy them!

  9. Awww cute knitting.. I've never managed to get past the 'scarf' stage of knitting... although I am currently attempting fingerless gloves as they are like a square sewn mostly together but with a gap for your thumb.. how hard can that be? Lol
    Happy New Year
    Erika #27

  10. Love those books! Bought The Dad, the Mother, and the Grandparent this Christmas, just sooo funny and apt.
    Very pretty cardigan, best of luck with the button searching.
    Have a good week
    Christine #19

  11. Happy New Year! I love your sheep pics!! Enjoy your books, and I hope you find your buttons! LOL!
    Have a great week.
    -K #44

  12. What a beautiful little sweater. I am so impressed with that skill - I wish i had the patience.
    April #38

  13. Oh I love the Gervase Phinn books. You actually know him? WOW! I have read all of them and will
    no doubt read them again at some time. WOW, cannot get over that. Lovely. funny. lighthearted reads. Can recommend and am sure you will get more out of it than most with knowing the man.
    When I read the building site bit I thought you were turning the garden into something else and I wondered what I had missed. Now I see.
    Pretty cardigan.
    Happy New Year - Hugs, Neet 5 xx (still reeling from you knowing GP)

  14. Hi Jo,
    ... and yes, buttons can be so expensive too... lovely little cardie... very pretty. I notice one of your books is an Enid Blyton, "Five go parenting." I did have a chuckle as I read kids books too, not that I can ever recall reading that one in the Famous Five series.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x #9

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  15. Lovely little knit. We had a couple of those Famous Five books for Christmas, very funny. I don't think I knew you were a teacher. I trained too, but decided it wasn't for me. Thanks for stopping by earlier.

    Fiona #24

  16. Well, fancy you knowing Gervase Phinn! I've read a few of his books and enjoyed them - lots of recognisable characters eh! Did you ever feature in one of them??? I'm so pleased that Max did well with her artwork, it's fab, she deserves it!
    We heard today that we're moving on 23/24th Jan, so I shall be busy packing up my craft room next week :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 15 xxxx

  17. You sound like always invades that fun stuff I want to be doing! If you were closer I am sure we could find pink...or any other color buttons in my stash. I have been having some of my daughters younger friends come over and get stuff so I can clean out my glut of stuff and I know they could use a little help! Happy New Year! Vickie #12


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.