Wednesday 22 February 2012


Good morning all!!

For the WOYWW blog hop today I have bared all and I have snapped my room as it is.
It was tidy until Monday, then I came back from Funday Monday and dumped all my bags and boxes.
So, feel free to have a good snoop!!

A few things to spot..........
  • In the centre - felted flowers that I made on  a felting course I went to with daughter M on Saturday. We had a great time at the workshop at Eddies in Shrewsbury. Its a lovely little shop where Mel sells revamped furniture and lovely crafty bits and bobs.
Here they are in close up!

A few other things to snoop.....
  • Button jars
  • Little frocks -
    This week I am determined to finish off the last few frocks.
    I will post a few pics of the latest designs later in the week. I got fed up with the basic design so I got a bit creative and made a few different ones. I tried to make them fairly simple but pretty and I used up lots of small pieces.
  • Bags of fabric left overs from the little frocks
  • Annie's box of dresses cut out ready for me to finish - she has lots of work on at the mo so I brought her box home with me. Funny how there are lots of green frocks left to make!! (She hates green)
  • Piles of fabric pieces that will be made into cushions and bags
If you want to join in with our blog hop then follow me over to Julia's Stamping Ground and see what the rest of the crafters, card makers and generally clever folk have been up to.

Thanks for popping in and enjoying a snoop!


  1. I'm loving the 'warts and all' look this week Jo. It lets the worls see the real you. :-)
    A x

  2. Wow, love those felted flowers, so different from the norm. And somehow, although I'm totally un-shocked by your photo (which I love), am sort of secretly a bit pleased that you'll have to clear up before you can start. Welcome to my world, if only for a nano second!!

  3. Oooh I love those felt flowers, they look great :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

  4. so glad you gave me pointers as to what to snoop for, made it such fun to look at your desk, a bit like a Where's Wally book.

  5. Those flowers are absolutely stunning hun!Beautiful !
    Have fab wednesday hugs judex 34

  6. Those felt flowers look amazing Jo, I bet that you and M and a really fun day!

    It’s nice to see a picture of your room from a wider angle. it just goes to prove that sewing girls have just as much mess/stash as we paper crafters do.

    Happy Crafting!


  7. I detest putting my stuff away after a play day, so much more fun to get it all out! Those flowers are stunning and how wonderful to do something with your daughter.

  8. Those felted flowers are GORGEOUS. I love them. And I'm glad to read that you are about finished with those dresses. I felt sure you and Annie were out to clothe the world. I can only imagine how grateful those little girls you will never meet must feel when they get your generous gift. Happy WOYWW from #9.

  9. Fun to see you have a bit of a mess, but I bet it doesn't last long. Some really pretty felted flowers. Enjoy WOYWW

  10. Those are lovely flowers. You shocked me into realising that I can't remember when my last trip to SY was. Maybe 6 years ago, when I worked. I shall have to fix that.

  11. Lovely desk, unprepared - great. Those flowers are beautiful.

  12. You two are so good making all those little dresses.
    Am well impressed with those flowers - oh wow!
    Hugs and thanks for sharing - Neet 33 xx

  13. I love to find a blog with fabric, it's my newish habit!
    I love the header photo you have.
    The felt flowers are wonderful
    Love a good mess too!
    Jaki 83#

  14. Those felt flowers are so beautiful. Loved having a peek at your craft room. Regards, Anne Rx #100

  15. Love those felt flowers fab!have a great week, Hugs May x x

  16. Your felt flowers are beautiful.

    Ann B

  17. The felted flowers are very realisitic looking...great job!

    Your dressmaking for the little girls is really heartwarming...can't wait to see your new pattern.

  18. I love the flowers you've made!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Katie #14

  19. Love your desk - lovely & creatively busy ;)) Happy woyww! Hugs, Joanna #94

  20. Very impressed with the flowers. Have a good week.

  21. Piles everywhere, especially in the primo place to play--it feels like home! I love the felted flowers, they are very unusual looking. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Glad I'm not the only one with lots of bags and boxes of things all around me at the moment. The flowers are really beautiful. Anne x

  23. Those felted flowers are just gorgeous.
    Fiona x

  24. Fab flowers Jo! A quick visit as we've been sorting out a blocked kitchen sink here - drat, I'd just mopped all the floors this afternoon too :( But, in case I forget - the Dove blender pen for chalks isn't easy to track down in the UK. However, Crafts U Love do stock the pens, spare nibs and the fluid to refill the pens with. Delivery was super quick too :) Off to say Hi to Annie before leaving the rest of 'WOYWW catching up' until tomorrow. Di xx

  25. Gorgeous felt flowers you have made!
    Good luck finishing the little frocks and thanks for the peek into your space! You and your sis always have so much going on and it makes for interesting pictures!
    xoxo Karen #93

  26. Sorry I'm late!
    Those flowers are fab! Hope you sort your bags and boxes out..

  27. Those flowers are gorgeous, love your pics. Enjoy this week's WOYWW snoop of the crafty & creative desks around the world. Take care Zo xx 81

  28. A little late visiting.. love your flowers

  29. I stopped dead at the sight of those wonderful flowers, they look so realistic. Does the list of your talents never end. xx Maggie #11

  30. How wonderful to see your place not too tidy...looks like you had fun. lol Those flowers are gorgeous.I did not join in this week with woyww but thought I would drop by some of my blog friends when I had a moment.The house is full of a sickness bug ...I seem to have escaped far.xx

  31. loving your gorgeous felted flowers,x

  32. Love your crafty room!!! So many pretty things to look and watch my eyes turn green LOL!!! Thanks for sharing. Karen 131 x

  33. That's funny - my mum is the same about sewing yellow fabric!

    Those felted flowers are just lovely - well done you!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  34. Fabulous flora in felt - great colours... been admiring all the dollies - so lovely! Thanks for letting us look in, enjoy WOYWW and your week, Sarah at 16.

  35. What a super snoop I had Jo!

    It made me sit back and look at the pile of everything around me at the moment and it reminded me why I dont join in on the Woyww anymore!!

    Why is it that everyone elses piles of things always look so much more interesting than my own!!

    Keryn x

  36. Those flowers are gorgeous. Just so pretty! I adore the gateleg table that is in your sewing spot. *smiles* Norma


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.