Wednesday 18 January 2012


Good morning all!!
My table looks a bit too tidy for me - Max's little grey chenille/button heart cushion, my rainbow stickers and my "Montgomery in stitches" postcards.
I have been looking through my books for a bit of inspiration
Such cold frosty weather over the last few days - I have enjoyed being cosily tucked into my sewing room making little frocks. You will see from Annie's blog competition/give-away that we managed to cut out 88 frocks just over a week ago.
Here are the 25 frocks that I have made since then. My time was a bit limited as I had to spend 3 days waiting in at daughter M's for her plumber/Waterboard to sort out her low pressure on her system. Anyway - all done now so I can fit in a bit more dress making.

 I think the check frocks would make a good school uniform - do you recognise the pockets from last week?

I posted a parcel yesterday, to Louise of Sew Scrumptious containing the 40 dresses I made before Christmas. I think I have lost count how many I have made altogether now but I guess it's over 200.
I hope Louise has plenty of storage space! She is doing really well in finding folks who are happy to take them out to Africa so I am sure that soon, lots of little girls will enjoy wearing these pretty little frocks.

Thanks to all for popping over here and commenting so kindly.
OK - follow me to Julia's Stamping Ground and see what all the other WOYWWers have beeen up to this week.
x Jo


  1. Wow Jo, don't those little dresses look really fab all hung up like that. Thanks so much for clearing some of our fabric with such fab work has just got in the way lately for me to be dress making but my day will come :-)
    A x

  2. Wow!! You no doubt could sew these in your sleep. I really love the ones that you made the pockets for. The pockets add a little bright and cheery punch. The flowered fabric is so feminine and danity. And your right on the school uniform idea.
    It's way past my bedtime so enjoy WOYWW and bless you for the great work your doing on the Little Frocks.

  3. 25 and you didn't have much time?????? You and Anne are wonderful - wouldn't it be fab one day to see pictures of little girls in Africa in all your dresses.... Have a great week.

  4. Just fantastic, The appliquéd pockets are just gorgeous :) I am sure every single one is much appreciated and loved. I just got a book called Stitched Postcards off the interweb, it is on my list of things to try this year (especially as doing Darcy's postcard challenge :) Have a lovely week x

  5. You are amazing creating such wonderful little dresses.

  6. Thank you for sharing a bit of your world with us WOYWWers this morning! I hope you have a wonderful week.
    Neil # 34

  7. Lovely dresses. Love the heart on your table. :)

  8. You are so kind , such beautiful dresses, well done you!happy woyww hugs trace x no9

  9. Lovely dress and the ones with your 'special' pockets are very striking. I agree, I can see some little girls going off to school in them.

    ** Kate **

  10. Lovely little dresses gosh you are so creative, fantastic job, Hugs May x x x x x

  11. The pockets are such a thoughtful touch when you are producing so many.

  12. Jo those dresses are absolutely beautiful.Yes think the checked ones would make fab uniform.Im sure that they will appreciate all these dresses youve taken time to make .Your so talented hunni!
    Happy woyww
    judex 14

  13. Fab dresses - well down!

    Love the look of the little grey heart too.

    Thanks for sharing - have a great week.

    Jumbleberries xx

  14. Hello Jo, your desk does look neat and tidy considering you've been so busy making these beautiful little dresses - love the checked fabric. My guess was nowhere near 88 - that's a mahoosive number :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #99

  15. gorgeous dresses. well done for making so many and cutting all those up too.

  16. WOW those pretty frocks are just amazing :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and have a great week, Luv Karen #86

  17. How lovely those dresses are and it is amazing how many you and Annie have made. Wouldn't it be wonderful one day to see some of the children wearing them?
    BTW... My "house" collage, from your own talented fair fingers, has been greatly admired by visitors!!
    JoZarty x

  18. so many pretty little dresses, the pockets look fabulous!
    happy WOYWW, Deb #132

  19. Those little dresses are so pretty, and all with different pockets too. I am sure there will be hundreds of girls out there who will feel so special. xx Maggie #70

  20. i have an image in my mind of the square with all the shop keepers coming out holding their bellies laughing (montgomery in stitches)

  21. I didn't get a chance to visit your desk last week so I had to back up and visit the pockets that go with the dresses. They are so cute and I agree that a checked dress would be very nice.

  22. What an amazing amount of dresses, I love seeing them all lined up like that! Fantastic job!

    Brenda 104

  23. gosh you have been busy

    Thanks for the snoop
    Judie xx

  24. Fantastic effort with those dresses - really well done.
    I love the little grey heart with buttons, very chic :)
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  25. lovely dresses and over 200 WOW, thanks for sharing. :)

  26. Those are adorable! I'm sure the recipients will love them!

    katie (112)

  27. Oh these dresses are so adorable. You are one very talented seamstress!

    Happy WOYWW

  28. I think you may have a secret addiction ....making these cute dresses lol. I agree that the check ones would be fantastic uniforms ...and each pocket is a piece of art.xx

  29. I agree that it can be a pain to wait on the service man! Love those dresses as usual! They could definately make a great little school out on the savannah proud! LOL! I hope that Louise realize what a gem she has in you! Happy WOYWW- Amanda 40

  30. Those checks look wonderful and yes, they would make a great school uniform. Love the pockets too. You have done such a lot of great work - God Bless.
    Neet 11 xx

  31. Awesome dresses jo! You and annie deserve recognition of some sort for all that you have done! Have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #33

  32. I loved the pockets last week and I love them even more now that are on the dresses. Can you imagine those little girls' faces when they receive your beautiful handiwork.
    Fiona xx #118

  33. Wow these are fab. Thanks for sharing. Zo x

  34. Wow all of the dresses are lovely, I really like those checked ones! x

  35. Sorry I'm late this WOYWW Jo - I peeked yesterday but didn't comment, instead I had a fight with the glue gun and it won :(

    I can't get over how wonderful those pockets are - and you've made so many dresses! Brilliant stuff!! Di xx

  36. Gorgeous dresses Jo, well done. And that button heart - i really meant to say thank you to you all for mine, it goes beautifully with the two cushions i bought from Max, i absolutely love it - thanks a lot. xx

  37. The dresses are so lovely and I love the pockets with the little cottages on. Annex

  38. your dress are fantastic.... such a good cause I'm sure all the little girls will love them. Is there something similar for the boys?

  39. Late as seems the norm these days, it never mind! A magnificent job on the dresses Jo, and you're right about the checked ones, hope they stay together !

  40. These are all so pretty. As soon as my hand is back to rights I wil be making some more little dresses too. Hugs Mrs A.

  41. WOW those dresses are gorgeous What a wonderful idea to send them to Africa, I would be proud if i had a little girl to wear one of your lovely dresses, (i have a big teenage girl who wears nothing but baggy jeans!) you are very talented and i am off to look through some more of your blog, the rainbow piccy at the top is beautiful - hope you have a great week Lou #94

  42. Those dresses are adorable!

    Happy WOYWW (on Monday!)
    Katie #16

  43. What lovely little frocks ;0) Dxx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.