Wednesday 24 August 2011


Good morning all - a table full of pretties to look at today!!

 A dainty vintage table cloth and 4 pretty table napkins - my latest car boot bargains!
A handmade brooch and buttons - gifts from our friend T - back from her hols.
A pot of Anne Sloan plum coloured chalk paint - not sure what I am doing with it but fancied trying it.
AND my latest 2 little frocks.

Below are the rest that I have made since last week....
If you would like to see the 50 little dresses we posted to Louise last week then follow the link to her  blog and catch up on all the "Dress a girl around the world" news. She is now an international co-ordinator and has collected over 270 dresses so far!!

A big big BIG thank you to all those kind bloggers who have been sending fabric parcels to Wipso - you will recognise lots of the beautiful material in the little frocks we make over the next few weeks. THANK YOU!
And lastly .....

My daughter M has opened her Etsy shop!

She has lots more lovely hand crafted items to add to her shelves, but it takes a while, so keep a look out over the next few weeks!!

Have a great day everyone - I will pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and see if Wipso has got to Mr Linky first this week.
See you later.


  1. Of course I'm there first this morning....I'm already head down ploughing my way through that sewing mountain :-)
    A x

  2. Wow, between you and your sister, I think you have made enough of those dresses for a village. They are so cute hanging on your line. Never heard of chalk paint, but it sounds like fun. I bet it would work on fabric, too. Have a great WOYWW.

  3. Yes, she beat you today! Have a great day.

  4. Ohh your desk is looking very pretty today I love car boot sales.

    You have done so well with the dresses and it's for such a good cause too.

    Laura 54 x

  5. WOW you guys are sure cranking out the dresses. I am sure the little girls getting them with love them. I think I have that same set of napkins!!! I ran across a set of tea towels my mother gave me 30 years ago for Christmas. She had embrodeired them with the 7 days of the week. Trying to figure out what to do with them/display them. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  6. Proper washing on a proper line, how lovely to see! One of the best smells in the world - fresh washing in from the line. Enjoy WOYWW!

  7. All very pretty today. Didn't realise you had an M as well as wipso. Her shop has lovely things in and I like the seaside pictures.

    ** Kate **

  8. Pretty vintage materials rock my boat too!! Hope your daughter's etsy venture goes well! xx

  9. Like the White Rabbit, I'm late doing the rounds :( So many super goodies - it'll be interesting to see what you come up with using the tablecloth etc. More gorgeous dresses too. Oh, and M's shop is fabby - I love the clever way she set up the photos. I'll be keeping an eye open for sure! Di xx

  10. Gosh youve been busy all those dresses to such a good cause too.
    I will pop by and have peep at esty shop.
    Happy woyww
    hugs judex75

  11. What a fun post. Darling designs on the tablecloth and napkins. I bet you 2 can sew these dresses with your eyes shut. What a blessed thing to do. I'd love to send you some, but I gave mine to a quilting group who make laptops for disabled veterans.
    Have fun, now on to the etsy shop!

  12. Hello Sweet Friend~
    The transfers are made on our HP office inkjet printer :) Very simple... onto the Strathmore brand Iron-On Transfer Sheets. It's a bit fussy at first... but with a few practice pieces and the correct iron setting things went well!
    Hope you day is wonderful :)

  13. Love the rail of dresses that you have today! You and Wispo are definately busy! ...and the work is SO darned cute! Congrats to M on her Etsy shop! Happy WOYWW! -Amanda

  14. i can't decide what is more lovely, the dresses or the view as the background..


  15. Lovely dresses again. I love that vintage tablecloth

  16. Lovely post... amazing how you two have achieved so many dresses. wonderful view too.
    good luck to DD M for the success of her etsy store. Lovely stash in it!
    JoZarty x

  17. The table cloth and napkins brought back childhood memeories.
    Congrats to your DD for opening her shop ...I hope she does well.xx

  18. What a lovely thing to do, thank goodness there are so many amazing people in the world.
    Why have I stayed away from that beautiful picture for so long? Was camping near Church Stretton last weekend :)

  19. You sure have a very pretty desk this week. Love a little girly prettiness!!
    You and your sister have done a fab job of all those dresses. I shall have a rummage for you this weekend! Promise!!

  20. It’s good news that your daughters Esty shop is open now and I’m sure it’s going to be a success for her once people start to see all the beautiful things she makes……..I wish her luck.

    Love the hand embroidered table cloth, what a great find. It makes me think of the ones that stitched when I was a child….wonder whatever happened to them.

    Have a good week.

  21. So pretty today. Those dresses are really cute! I have to say I also love the photo in your header - where was it taken?

  22. interesting stuff. Not sure what I would do with chalk paint either... other than make a background with it.
    You've been very busy sewing - now if only I could get down and do some...
    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. have a great and creative day.

  23. Beautiful dresses and great recycling. Love your vintage car boot bargains. Thanks for sharing,

  24. I love the tablecloth and napkins! You guys have been really busy with those dresses!
    Happy very belated WOYWW

  25. Hi there sorry! running VERY late - sigh, not to worry love the pretties on your desk - great colours! and happy WOYWW, thanks for popping over! :) Shaz in Oz.x

  26. how I love looking at all the sweet little dresses you are doing ..... not just any plain ol' dress anymore at all with the trims and pockets and frills.... good job, you!

    I want to do some! Soon!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.