Sunday 7 August 2011

Shropshire hills

Just a few photos to share with you.
We went over to the Stiperstones for a walk and to pick Whinberries (billberries).
It was a lovely afternoon but the fast moving grey clouds threatened rain,
We were lucky. We climbed to the top of Black Radleigh and enjoyed a panoramic view.
I made a little video but the wind sounds like I am munching my way through a massive bag of crisps - I wasn't - honest!!
( I tried to upload but Blogger was playing up! )

I don't think I will win any Oscars!!
We picked quite a few whinberries and will be sharing them with Wipso and friends.
Then we headed over to "The Bog Centre" for a coffee.

Here are just a few more pics from a splendid afternoon.

A view from the top of Radleigh to the rocky outcrops on the crest of the Stiperstones.

A carving by the Shropshire carvers of famous sites within the boundaries of Shropshire.

Our farmers rear a wonderful range of livestock - alpacas at "The Bog".

We made it home in time to see this fantastic rainbow.

Wipso texted to tell me to check out Sew Scrumptious' blog. Louise has really done us proud and has blogged all 30 of the little dressses we made for the "Dress a girl around the world scheme".
We have had a fantastic response from some very kind blog friends, who have sent Wipso parcels of beautiful fabric to make more little frocks. So funday Monday will be spent cutting out and bagging up more little dresses for us to sew next week. We are blessed at having such a useful talent and it is lovely to be able to help others and have such a lot of fun at the same time!!


  1. The alpaca needs trimming cos I'm sure we could play with some of that lovely wool :-)
    A x

  2. Good day then - couldn't avoid the rain clouds here today - and oh boy - it was by the bucket full! Lovely rainbow shot.

  3. Fantastic post - and I could almost taste the whinberries. How lucky you are, that rainbow is stunning! Err, and I bought a very pretty pink patterned sheet in our charity shop on Saturday for your dresses. It's been washed and is waiting to be ironed before I send it to Annie for your mountain of material! Enjoy tomorrow. Di xx

  4. We were eating Blueberries in the garden yesterday - and I was wondering whether I should be walking up the hill for the bilberries. I shall let you know whether the slopes of Cadair are ahead or behind Shropshire!

  5. Oh, we were up there last month - though I have yet to be convinced about bilberries, raw at least. Amazing views and it is impossible to take a video without the wind taking over (I tried too!).

  6. must try and get some whinberries this year, I always miss them! What a lovely area to go and find them in, lucky you!

  7. Oh what a beautiful post. Lovely pictures. I've some catching up to do. Miss a day miss a lot. Weather looks lovely.


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