Friday 12 August 2011

More pretty little frocks

Just to show you my latest 5.
(I can't keep up with Wipso - she must be making them in her sleep!!)

The two pink ones are made from a duvet. I had a fab flamingo pink dye which I have used on a couple of duvets to brighten them up. So for these two I combined a bit of dyed fabric with some of the original duvet. I think it works. I am having fun designing these simple little frocks with the fabric available to us!

The pretty floral one in the centre is made using more of the lovely fabric Karen sent us.
The dark blue stripe was a pillow case Wanda sent us all the way from USA.
The tiny navy frock was made with fabric  Anne sent us.
Thanks to all those lovely folk for helping the cause and for allowing me to have lots of fun designing and making.
If anyone else feels the urge to tidy their airing cupboard/linen store and find some useful fabric for us, we will be happy to keep sewing. ( email me for details)

Today M is coming to craft, so, yet another lovely day!!

Have a good one everybody!


  1. You certainly are both having a fun time - so many gorgeous dresses and love the imagination you've put into them. Have a great day with M! Di xx

  2. It's REAL EARLY morning here. But love to see the great little dresses you have finished. You have beautiful scenery in the background.Would love to take a walk thru those hills. Have had a wild and busy week here, hoping for a calm weekend. Love the variety of fabric you are using on all these projects too. Enjoy

  3. Another fab line full Jo. You know why I am making more than need for therapy is greater :-) :-)
    I have a table full of fab material donated by my big girl for us to play with now :-)
    A x

  4. I simply can't keep with amount of gorgeous dresses you are churning out. Keep up the good work. Hugs Mrs A.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.