Saturday 25 June 2011

Latest collage

This is my latest in the series of little fabric collages of buildings in Montgomery.

It is "The Old Bell Museum" where Tina of Indigo Moon is having her art exhibition from 5th - 11th August. It's a lovely 16th century building, which was once an inn, and is now the town's museum.

Montgomery has lots of quaint old buildings many of which have "blue plaques" which add to the interest for tourists in the town.


  1. Wow. Another fab picture Jo.
    A x

  2. Your machine embroidery pictures just get better and better! I love the detail of the sign and the net curtains!

  3. Your collages are gorgeous - love the woyww one too! Congratulations on winning the Cuttlebug - your tattered flowers are fab - especially the heated up ones.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog and I think you're right about the kimono belt being called an Obi x

  4. Just beautiful! Do you do collages from photos of fairly modern houses - albeit with some character? I think it might be a good Christmas pressie for my beloved who is always difficult to buy for. I could take a couple of Summer photos when he's out playing Robin Hood - oops, I mean at archery club!! And for me too of course ;) Di xxx

  5. Hi Jo
    seems i've been missing some really clever stuff that you've been making while i've not been blog hopping... i love what you have done with this - you are so, so talented. I hope your talent is recognised some day and someone like Liberty's but anyway - they're brill...

    Thank you for coming over to my blog - i will PM you for a proper catch up.

    all my love to you

    Paula x x x

  6. Beautiful!
    we have been through but never stopped there.

  7. Fabulous collage again jo, we have a lovely collection here now and they've been greatly admired by all our lovely customers! speak to you soon.

  8. I love this! It's brilliant and I recognize the building. Great job! Wish I was there!

  9. ooh missed this one..another beauty
    Everyone loves your NooNoo picture and Phil adores it..was definitely a good B'day buy for him
    Shower curtain!..when l looked at the way the proper gazebo curtains were hung, with shower curtain type clips, that's when l thought of it lol
    Hugs..have a great week x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.