Sunday 19 June 2011

Gorgeous retro fabric.

This is the fab, 60's vintage poppy fabric we bought from the car boot today. There is enough to make several cushions and even a Roman blind. 
M thinks we should make it up and put it on Etsy.
What do you think?
The colours are really on trend at the mo so we are looking for inspiration to put it to good use.

Owl update...
These are my latest little Wols to join the gang.
Not sure what I am making with them yet - they are about 2 or 3 " tall.


  1. Think you are using my mojo as well as your own this week Jo! Fab creations. Hope you will bring your fabric with you tomorrow :-)
    A x

  2. Lovely fabric, I should think well and hard before using it. It's got to be turned into something special, surely?

  3. Wow, a fabric find I'd say..and I think Etsy is probably the right home...throw a half apron thingy into the thought mix when you've got large scraps.

  4. Oh got carried away - love the Wols, how cute they are.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.