Wednesday 16 March 2011


Good morning all!
Tuesday was damp, foggy and gloomy so let's hope the sun shines today!!

My window sill has 2 little sock bunnies in woolly bags and a stripey bird in its travel bag.
All my other sock dolls are tucked into their travel bags too. They look smart with their names embroidered on the front of each bag.

The bunnies are waiting patiently to go over to Tina's shop - Indigo Moon in Montgomery. She has a lovely Easter display and my little sock buddies can't wait to join in the festivities!
If you are looking for Mother's Day gifts or just want to browse a delightful Aladdin's cave of little treasures then treat yourself to a ride over to Montgomery and take a peek. Tina has just had an article published in Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine and has a fab display of her mixed media pictures in the shop.

Not a lot going on over here. I had a weekend away and funday Monday with Wipso, so Tuesday was catch up day!
You can see the little felted sweater hearts on my table beside my car boot copy of Alice in Wonderland. I thought it might be fun to cut up some of the pages and use it in my collages. If any one wants some typically "Alice" text, then leave a comment and I will cut up a few pages and send you some.

Now folks, we are looking for nominations for our fourth and final weekly 'Joannie'. The award will be......

One of our sets of desk accessories.

This includes a cover for those 'all important' baby wipes, that you crafters use to clean your rubber stamps etc, plus a needle case, for your needles or long crafting pins and a matching pin cushion.

So pop over to Sisters Crafty Creations and leave a comment if you want to be in it to win it!

Short post today so I can quickly link to Julia's blog and pop over to a few desks and see what you are all up to!
Have a great day!!


  1. Really love all the sock creations in their bags Jo. They really do make lovely gifts.
    A x

  2. Oh my, I am in love with those bunnies! Are they going for sale or just a window display? They are adorable!
    Happy WOYWW!
    xoxo Karen #55

  3. Looks like you have been really busy in the sock department. Love the little tags on each bag. Hugs Mrs A. #57

  4. The bunnies are amazing. And the packaging is gorgeous as well. I don't know how you can bear to part with them!

    Thanks for sharing.
    cheers, rachel no. 70

  5. Oh your sock bunnies are sooo lovely - well everything on the window sill is! Really liked your post today!

  6. So many lovely goodies Twiglet! The bunnies are so right with Easter rapidly approaching :) Di x

  7. Those sock dolls are gorgeous, the Bunnies will be ideal with Easter just around the corner :)It has been really foggy here too for the last couple of days :(
    Love your photos that you took whilst in Torquay in the post below.
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #73

  8. it amazes me that you find time for all this creativity and also to sit on Julia's desk and supervise her too...


  9. Awww thanks Jo, can't wait for the bunnies to come over and play!!!! I can bring sunshine to your wednesday - did you see my email? xx

  10. Ah, such cute sock dolls! There is no stopping you and Wipso - Love your desk accessories.

  11. I love your sock bunnies!! The wipe case and sewing accessories are fab too gonna go check those out! hugs Rebekah xx 75

  12. Great fun post to see all those lovely things. I'm lucky to be taking a sock toy over to Germany courtesy of you and my friend Neet!
    Thanks for your kind thoughts,
    Love joZarty x

  13. Hi hun
    aww ya window is lookin fab with ya cuties on it, only just been able to get on net sorry im late, beautiful accessories set hun, still testin here, have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  14. Love all the cute little bags, although the rabbits look a tad confused!!

    Brenda 114

  15. Love the sock bunnies with their individual bagsas well - they look great! Hope you get lots of sales
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca (45)

  16. Aw, love those bunnies - they look so great sitting there in their bags. Gorgeous.

    Julie #144

  17. Hello! Your sock bunnies and dolls look adorable in their little bags, you're little creations are always so fabulous.

    Thanks for already stopping by my desk today.

    Sherry x (158)

  18. Those are cute creations you have there, and the photos from the previous post would be perfect to use in future cards. Thank you for your visit and comment. It is much appreciated,

  19. As I've said to Wipso, I really admire the skills and hard work you two put into your creations - and I'll likely say it again! I love seeing what you have each made and it is great you've spent some time together and had fun.

    Shirl #38

  20. Those Bunnies Need Me!!!! ;0)
    Love your stuff!!

  21. hiya hunni,Window display looks cute .just love the little bags the bunnies comein!Willpop over have look ar shop.happy Wednesday
    hugs judex9

  22. Are you serious about giving away some Alice in Wonderland pages? I'd love to have some! I don't think I've ever seen any of your collages. Show and tell? The sock bunnies and company are cute! Patsy from

  23. Aaaaw, little sock bunnies in sleeping bags!! Love them, when do you girls find time to eat and sleep? So much creativity going on all the time... Annette #5

  24. I just love how you present your sock toys - so special, thank you so much. (got one for Jo to take to Germany) It looks like Santa's window sill with all those sacks. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Those bunnies are drop dead gorgeous and the sock dolls and bags are so cute. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #52

  26. I would love to go browse round Tina's I really would! The sock buddies collection is amazing, I love the idea of the named bags. There's been a lot of positive reaction to the wipe clean desk tidy....if you can find time, go back to the comments on my WOYWW post! x

  27. Those bunnies are so sweet, and what a lovely idea with the name bags. I don't know how you can bear to let them go.

    Glad you and Wipso had a great time on mini-hols.


  28. Awesome creations, lovin it! Thanks for the peek and sharing, Hugs Marjo #10

  29. I like the sock bunnies, they're cute.

  30. I think my comment has gone awol

  31. My original comment said: Love the bunnies and I am sure they will sell well and I am glad you sold your lovely picture.
    Sue xx

  32. Sock dolls and bunnies are adorable. Hope the sun shines soon.

  33. The travel bags for the little ones are too cute. Such a clever idea! Love all your wonderful creations. TFS!
    ~Shari (no # this week)

  34. Great space! Lovely pics.:)

    Thank you for sharing. :)

    Want to know more about shrink plastic? Pop over to my blog to see shrink plastic tutorial.:)


  35. How cute are your bunnies! How can you bear to part with them!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.