Wednesday 30 March 2011

WOYWW - snap!!

Good morning all!
If you have already visited Wipso, you will now be suffering deja-vu!
How come we both have a Cuttlebug on our desks? - I hear you ask. Of course, you know we are not really card makers!!!

Well, the lovely Crafty Dawn drew my name out and I won it in her blog giveaway.
As you know, Wipso and I share everything (well almost everything). So we are sharing our Cuttlebug. Now, as yet, we don't know what we fabric crafters can do with a Cuttlebug, so it will be a steep learning curve to find out. I am sure it will open up lots of exciting possibilities.
If anyone has any good ideas for using fabric with a Cuttlebug then we would be thrilled to hear from you.

Now - this is what is really on my desk for today.....

On funday Monday we cut out all the bits for one of Jozart's "Hangabouts".
She kindly put a tutorial on her blog, so we have printed it off and hope to produce a few for our blog shop.
On the right, you can see all the bits needed to make one. I will blog a pic once it is finished.

The item on the left is a little armchair pocket/store. The thoughtful Keryn from Poppydog suggested we might like to try making some.
I blogged it below.
I think I will be adapting the pattern a bit but its a really nice idea. What do you think?

Now folks - we are in our final week for our last "Joannie" award - our mystery parcel blog draw. You can win over £50 worth of our pretty handmade goodies!!
So, pop over and join in by leaving a comment in the Sisters Crafty Creations blog shop.

Ok folks.

Have a fab Wednesday. Enjoy your blog hop with the Queen of Snoop - the lovely Julia!
Pop over to her blog and join in.


  1. Hey, you got one too.... a much travelled Bug!! Hope you find lots to do with it.

  2. Nice desk , thanks for sharing!!
    Happy Wednesday;-)

  3. OOh hello fabric crafters - you can use your cuttlebug to cut fabric too you know - I used mine with the Tim Holtz tattered floral die to cut a whole load of flowers out of lightweight cotton - it worked a treat... enjoy. thanks for sharing - happy WOYWW

  4. Well that was my desk yesterdy LOL
    looking good though

  5. Ha! Bet one of you leaves it behind just on the day when you NEEEEEEED it most! Like the new armchair tidy idea, clever Jo, huh!

  6. oh how exciting. wish I lived close enough to share the cuttlebug with you.

  7. I agree with Caroline, the Tim Holtz Tattered Floral die would be great with material. I think someone else has already suggested Ikki's Cuttlebug Cupboard for tips and hints. Just love the armchair tidy! Have a super Wednesday. Di x

  8. Well, Twiglet, here we are with another WOYWW! – and yes do feel slightly like it is deja-vu as have come From Wipso's but well done on winning it! Never used it with material but am sure you can try it!
    thanks so much for sharing..
    Shaz in oz. x #71 (not 35, wrong link on first one!)

  9. What a great prize and I'm sure you'll make good use of it. It will make lovely edged tags for your "makes" and it will also cut fabric too. I love the chair pocket and have made something similar. The HangAbouts can be made deeper too for knitters.One of my friends uses her normal depth one to hold her ball of wool so her cat doesn't play with it!
    Excitedly waiting for Baxter to arrive... he's paid for... so will keep you informed.You're a star!
    Hugs JoZarty x

  10. Hi hun
    congratulations on ya CB win, fabby news,look forward to seeing what you do with it,thanks for the snoop, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(13)x

  11. He, he I think I saw that Cuttlebug somewhere....where was it??? Oh yes Wipso! But still you are the winner so congrats on your lovely Cuttlebug! You will love that little bug! It is not a big shot or a vagabond but is as powerful as any of them!
    Lots of hugs,

  12. well doen on your win, i am sure you can cut fabrics out with it using nesties
    Thank you for sharing with me on WOYWW

    Vicky #88 30.3.2011

  13. yay yes Snap!!! Lucky you too!! or should that be lucky you two! Happy WOYWW!!
    ((Lyn)) #51!

  14. Good luck with the blog I am sure you will both find a good use for it. Hugs Pam x

  15. I have put all manner of media including cloth and clay through my cuttle bug,

    it is fab for dying plain fabrics with a pattern from the embossing folders by putting permanent inks in the folders before you squidge everything through the rollers.


  16. Don't work too hard, there'll be sun again and you can go out, climb up Corndon or Stapeley Hill and admire the view.

  17. Gotta agree, the cuttlebug will give you all kinds of options, enjoy! Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a great WOYWW

    Hugs Marjo #22 oops thats 23

  18. congrats. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #83

  19. Congratulations on your win. Good luck with the hangups - I love mine.
    I think that pocket store would be ideal for people in a wheel chair. My friend would have loved one for hers as she had difficulty in getting things from A to B when she was wheelchair bound. It might need adapting though as it could interfere with the wheels now I think about ;it. Will leave it with you - you are the experts. Thanks for sharing your goodies.

  20. Congratulations on your Cuttlebug win. I'm sure with your talent you will find many a use for it. You MUST share with us your finished work using it. TFS

  21. Very cute! Because my first thought, after having visited Wipso, was huh? The couch arm thing looks very cool. But even that would end up looking messy if it were mine!

    Ah well.
    cheers, rachel #70

  22. congratulations on your win! how exciting to have something new to play with! does it cut fabric?


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.