Wednesday 2 February 2011


Good morning to all my visitors!
It's a damp and gloomy day today - so different to the bright, sunny day of yesterday when the birds were singing and I almost thought Spring might be on its way!! Oh and a beautiful starry night too - with owls hooting round Wipso's garden. Oh well - we know Spring will come - we just have to be patient!

Now - the old work table today is covered with activities of last week and some WIP for this week.
The cards are my latest little dumfed collages - seascapes and moorlands. I love making these tiny pics - maybe I should mount them in little frames to sell?
I found the gorgeous Laura Ashley, fairisle cardi in a local charity shop. I just loved the colour combo and thought of all the lovely little items I can make from it, once it has been hot-washed and felted.
Peeping out from beneath it and just on the top, you can spot the next little project that we at "Sisters Crafty Creations" are busy with. Hearts and flowers and all things romantic for Valentine's Day. Pop over to our newly revamped blog shop in the next few days and see what we have been up to!!

Thanks to everyone who called here last week and left lovely comments. I will try to get round a few more of you this week.

Have fun and if you don't know what this is all about then follow the link to Julia's blog and all will become clear.


  1. I notice the love birds are watching over you today :-) The cards are well worth framing Jo....far too nice to be cards that just might get thrown away.
    A x

  2. Those cards are just amazing. I adore seascapes. You really are so very talented.
    Have a lovely day
    Sue xx

  3. Your cards are just lovely...I would definately frame them! Happy WOYWW Esther xx

  4. I would definitely frame those cards: they're gorgeous. Hope you enjoyed your Monday with Wipso.

    Bernie x

    PS Pleased to see that Scruffy's new relationship is going well!

  5. you should definately frame the cards, they look lush.

    caroline #112

  6. Hi hun
    oh your cards are gorgeous, luv the colours, i would frame that, beautiful work, luv ya header piccie, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (36)

  7. happy woyww, thanks for sharing :)
    crafty hugs - Andria (42).

  8. The cards are lovely, would definitely look good framed. Thanks for sharing. Carolxx

  9. gorgeous cards, love your desk with a view of the outdoors, great workspace, happy woyww, thank you for sharing, #9

  10. Those cards are adorable - you could easily frame them, I reckon they'd go like hot cakes!

  11. Love those cards - fab
    Happy WOYWW
    Sarah Stressed Stamper#29

  12. I love those cards. That cardi will look lovely once you work your magic.

  13. Your cards are beautiful and you should definitely frame some to sell! Have a great week! Tracey x

  14. Beautiful! Did you paint those little cards? Charlene #105

  15. Was panicking as I couldn't find you on the list. Glad you are ok even if the weather has changed. Still not as bad as some places in America.
    Love love love your cards - what super talent you have. #17

  16. Your little dumfing projects are stunning, just absolutely stunning. If you do ever decide to sell them, I would buy one no question. Here's to an early Spring!
    TFS ~Shari #103

  17. All I seem to say about your work is The sea scapes are amazing ...cant wait to see what you do with the jumper

  18. What lovely things on your desk this week Twiglet!
    The things you an do with an old jumper is nothing sort of miraculous!
    Chrissie #22

  19. Oh lookie you twiglet - I'll be 3/4 of the Woywwers are jealous of that sunshine pouring through your window...and the cards - absolutely gorgeous.
    Happy crafting and listening to chirping birds.

  20. love the little collages! I think mounting them in a frame on a little easel would sell a lot of them. So much color and texture. Thanks for sharing.
    Vickie #80

  21. ooh that felted wool will be really nice - i love it when I get a 'find' at a charity shop,

    thanks for calling by on my unlisted blog yesterday I find it very touching that some guys look me up even when I can't list myself, I just wouldn't be able to visit lots of people whilst I'm doing One World,...


  22. Just popped back to say you have given me food for thought. I am actually going to give a load of them to a lady who card makes for charity but I would love to use some myself.

  23. Gorgeous cards Jo, you amaze me with your "get up and go", your (and Annies's) creating is so "get up and go" just "got up and went" this week!!!!!! He! He! see you soon xx

  24. Beautiful seascapes, you should definitely frame some of them. How are the lovebirds doing? Still happy together??


  25. Those cards are lovely, such soft muted colours.

  26. These are lovely Twiglet - yes, you should mount them........and also do a Pay It Forward game so I can maybe win one to go with my beautiful poppies from Wipso :)) Thank you for calling by my blog, I've now linked to WOYWW for this week.......bit of brain ache here right now!! Di xx

  27. Yes yes yes - frame them! They're lovely Twiglet, really gorgeous. So is the next felty thingy - will be keeping my eyes peeled!

  28. Very nice. The cards would look lovely framed.

  29. So the romance is still on I see. Is Scruffy going to pop the question any time soon?
    Love the colour of the jumper. that is going to felt up a real treat.
    Hugs Mrs A. #82

  30. Beautiful cards! I'm just learning a bit about needle felting and had no idea one could make such lovely land and seascapes with it. Just gorgeous!


  31. Gorgeous cards, Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo lucky #1

  32. Your little scenes are lovely! Thanks for the snoop! Star 125

  33. I have learnt all about this lovely thing called dumfed from yours and Wipso's blogs. How lovely! must visit the shop, K x #90


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.