Wednesday 26 January 2011

WOYWW - a little romance in the air!

Yes, and it's not even Valentine's Day yet.
I am afraid little Scruffy has fallen in love.

After a busy Fun day Monday, I returned home with my new little sock doll, Dusty.
I popped her in the sewing room and now look at the two of them - all snuggled up and cosy round the sewing machine. Spring must be in the air!
Dusty need reminding not to flash her knickers - even if they are made with Wipso's best embroidered cotton! She thinks she's the bees knees with her little shoulder bag, sporting a pale blue "dumfed" flower and a snazzy, little hat with a felt rose on the side. Poor Scruffy is getting all hot and bothered!

My other little task was, to make two little brooches to go with the two hats that I made last week. I think they look pretty cute and hope the two youngsters who will be wearing them, think the same.

I am meeting up with old friends in Shrewsbury today, for lunch and a walk by the river. I just hope the weather improves as it's been rather cold, wet and gloomy lately.
Last week (see tulip pic on last post) was cold but bright and frosty - I prefer that don't you?
OK folks - please keep an eye on those two as you pass by. I don't want them getting up to mischief!
Thanks to everyone who called here last week and left lovely comments. I will try to get round a few more of you this week.
Have fun and if you don't know what this is all about then follow the link to Julia's blog and all will become clear.


  1. Just brilliant Jo....Have a feeling she wont be Dusty for long....Scruffy has a mischievous glint in his eye :-)
    Have a lovely day with M & give them my love.
    A x

  2. Oh I just love this post - Scruffy must be going mad about Dusty - she sure is fancy shmancy! So are the hats!
    Have a lovely day out in Shrewsbury (wherever that is)!
    Lost of hugs,

  3. Love Dusty! Hope you have a great time in Shrewsbury. It's very cloudy here, but not got the rain they forecast (yet!)

  4. Have a wonderful Wednesday with friends
    Fingers crossed for the weather, it's been a bit grim last few days l agree
    But looks like spring is in the air
    Hugs Suz x

  5. I love Dusty and her friend, they are so cute and make a lovely couple. The hats are lovely and the flowers finish them off beautifully, I bet the girls will love them. Have a lovely time in Shrewsbury, hope the sun comes out for you! Tracey (Handmade with Love) x

  6. You are so multi-talented, love the brooches!!
    Sue xx 40

  7. ohh, the cutest sock dollies on the block! :)
    have a great wednesday, Hugs, Marlene [71]

  8. These are gorgeous! love the colour of them both and so sweet they have each other lol. Joey xx

  9. oh they are too cute to get up to any mischief while you are out looking at other blogs surely? ad I do love the up-cycled cushions in post below, so lovely!
    Shaz in Oz.xx #22

  10. Great cutie pies there.....but the hats? OOooh the hats :) lurverly
    xoxo Sioux

  11. oooh watch Scruffy and Dusty, mind they don't go getting up to naughties! lol

  12. These sock dolls are just too yummy and tempting... great job and seems you had a ball. Good luck wlaking up Wyle Cop - you might just get blown up it....

    Sarah (sasa)

  13. Scruffy and Dusty are behaving,so don't worry :~)

    You have made some stunning things



  14. Dusty is very sweet! You may soon have a litter of Dusty's and Scruffy's running around I dare say!
    The hats are amazing! You are just so multi-talented, it blows me away!
    xoxo Karen (#117)

  15. Hi hun
    aww they are gorgeous, so cute, the hats n broches look fab hun, have great time in Shrewsbury, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (30)

  16. Love your new dolly .... Have not posted a WOYWW ...just a proud nana one ..but thought I would drop by a few friends.

  17. You are going to have to keep your eye on those two but I adore a love story so please keep us informed about how the courtship goes on. Is she a bit of a minx

  18. Love those little people! Made me smile because I have a little person beside my sewing machine too! Love the hat ..

  19. What a cute pair. Nice that they have each other...
    Happy Woyww!

  20. Have a great day - the best ones are with friends
    Sarah - Stressed Stamper #31

  21. Wow very clever lady Dusty and Scruffy are FANTABULOUS!

  22. Cool crafts!

    Enjoy lunch and your walk. Don't give Scruffy and Dusty a second thought!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sam # 26

  23. More fab sock dolls !! And hope you had a lovely lunch
    Anne xxx

  24. I am speechless...don't know what to say about Dusty and Scruffy's budding romance! I will be on the look out for any changes. Hats and adornments are gorgeous. I imagine the kids who wear these will do so proudly! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #59

  25. What a fun post -everything is so beautiful and whimsical.
    Vicki - a little inkling 108

  26. I love your header picture... what a beautiful scene!
    There are always lovely things to snoop at on your desk Twiglet and this is no exception, such cuties!
    Chrissie #5

  27. You've been tagged. Please pop over to my blog to pick up your award.
    A x

  28. They are the bees knees... super cute.
    Sandra xox

  29. You are so clever, making hats as well. I do love those little sock dolls.

  30. they are just gorgeous I love grey and cream so classy

  31. Jo, I had a right good giggle at dusty and scruffy's antics, i love your blog. Thank you so much for the award,just have to figure out what i need to do now, being the technophobe i am. Loving WOYWW, Speak to you soon.

  32. I think Scruffy should just "sock it" to her straight away and pop the question. They are obviously made for one another.
    Hope you enjoyed Shrewsbury and you tried a biscuit or two whilst there.
    Mrs A. #97

  33. Sorry I didn't visit last week. But I'm glad I'm here now, because I can watch Scruffy court Dusty. And of course this gave me a big grin which I needed right now. Happy belated WOYWW from #10.

  34. Cutest sock couple I've ever Loved the post.

    Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #7

  35. Loving both Scruffy and Dusty. It is so hot here at the mo all I can think about while looking at your blog header is diving in the snow! Happy {LATE} WOYWW!
    Susan xxox #29


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.