Wednesday 1 December 2010

The craft fairy and WOYWW.

Well today, dear WOYWWers, the little craft fairy has been busy on my table!!
On Saturday Wipso and I went off to the craft fair, leaving behind daughter M for an hour or two. She has very little time to craft in her busy working week, so, I guess leaving her in my craft room was a great temptation!! When I came home, she had gone back to town and left these goodies for me to consider!!!
I think she would like me to run up a couple of cushions so, I may do just that, this snowy afternoon.

My window ledge is littered with gorgeous crochet flowers just waiting to be added to a crafty project or two. Any ideas? I have used some for my brooches in the blog shop.

Now the pic above was the little birdy Wipso had on her bird table this week!! lol - a huge, fluffed up male pheasant. He was very brave too, even when the three dogs were allowed out, he just hid under the bushes and kept very still! All three dogs went straight past him and didn't seem to notice him.

And lastly, I think little Scruffy decided to choose his Christmas tree today. He is outside eyeing up my tiny fir tree in the snow and has his little clippers in his duffle bag at the ready.......Oh no! Tim - ber!!!!!!!

Ha - and now I expect I will have to help him carry it in and decorate it!!!

OK - enough Twiglet madness - hop over to Julia's blog if you want to join in with the WOYWW fun.
Thanks for calling - take a look at our earlier posts if you want to know more about our Christmas crafty activities! Or pop over to the blog shop and check out our new goodies.


  1. Love all the lacy gorgeousness. Scruffy has chosen a lovely little tree but I have a feeling you will have to help decorate it. Have fun.
    A x

  2. What lovely lacey prettiness! Love your post today, thanks for bringing a smile to my face.

  3. Morning Jo
    Hope the tree is safely inside by now! Loved your post & catching up with your blog. Your hotwater bottle covers look beautiful. :)Ooh & the little ♥'s look fab. Sounds like you had lots of fun at the fair too. :)
    Regards the mirror on my dresser I used Claudine Hellmuth Studio semi-gloss acrylic paint in classic teal to paint my mirror.. it was quite bright so then I just dry brushed some white over the top to tone it down a bit. (Have a practice first!)
    Hope you are keeping warm & safe in this weather.xx
    Sorry for not calling sooner. Just looking at the screen sends me dizzy :( I'm wearing my reading glasses at the moment & it's not too bad.. back to the docs on Friday.
    Bye for now, hugs Gez.xx

  4. Cor! That pheasant was cheeky! Glad the dogs did not sniff him out though.
    Love your story about Scruffy and his tree - keep it going, I love reading your blog.

    BTW - sorry I did not comment but your stall looked fab!

  5. Love your lacey creations and flowers.Thanks for the laugh baout the christmas tree ,needed cheering up after yesterday.
    hugs and have fab wednesday

  6. All the lace and crocheted flowers look amazing! What a pleasure it'll be to work with it all.

    Sherry (95)

  7. loving all your crochet work and loving scrutty too I love snow men - love and hugs and keep warm lv Liz

  8. Love you crochet, mabe putting them onto a hat.

  9. Your crocheted flowers are great. You could make headbands with them. Happy WOYWW. Thanks for stopping by my desk. #11

  10. It is nice to have little crafty fairies sitting at your work table and leaving something behind. When my "little fairy" approaches my table, I usually am on the search for something later - scissors, adhesive, punch...

  11. so beautiful I wish I could crochet. I used to do chunky stuff ...granny blankets and waistcoats back in the '70s I got a needle some wool and instructions from the net and off I went ....disaster ...all fingers and thumbs and hopeless tension ...ho hum.

  12. Lovely lacy bits, got good genes your daughter has! Love the pheasant too, and are you really taking that sweet little tree indoors!!

    Brenda 90

  13. Ooh, lovely stuff, Twiglet. I love the crochet and lacy flowers and cushions, beautiful stuff. And the gorgeous snow too!!

    Julie :o)

  14. love all that lacey crochetness !!!
    How about some cutie headbands for the lttleies adorned with those fab crochet flowers ??
    Anne xxx

  15. Thanks for sharing you lovely lace & your pheasant photo - isn't he beautiful ! Thanks too for stopping by earlier Ali (29)

  16. All those pretties to play with - enjoy! Thanks for the peek at your space.

  17. Like the look of the lace, very vintage looking! And the flowers on the window ledge would be great for all sorts of stuff, would love to be able to Croche, alas I cant get to grips with it!
    Lavinia 113

  18. What great flowers, wish I could figure out how to crochet. Nice snow too! Just flurries for us here. #88

  19. What beautiful cushions you could make and the crochet flowers are gorgeous. Also a gorgeous and yes, brave pheasant.
    Thanks for the insight into your world.
    Sue xx 78

  20. Oh, what lovely crochet flowers!!! Those are so fantastic! And I LOVE your Scruffy!!!!

  21. some day.... probably in the distant future.... I would like to learn to crochet and make some tiny hats for my little bears.... but, I'm such a sloth. .. never will get around to many of the things I think I should do....I need a magic fairy to wave her wand and give me abundant energy!

  22. Can't wait to see the pillow. The crochet is gorgeous xx

  23. Did you get Scruffy's tree inside or did you offer him an alternative? Beautiful lace items. #15

  24. Great pictures Twiglet... Love all the lacy-ness!
    Great pic of Mr Pheasant too!

  25. Why is it that reading your blog makes me want to pick up the crochet hook again? (I almost said "needles", ha ha, that would have shown you how long it's been!) Those flowers are sooo pretty.... and I love your little guy in the snow.
    Thx for stopping by. Yesterday, I posted The Card. Have a toasty day!

  26. I adore seeing pheasants in the snow - we have quite a few around here too but my dog, Sam, does notice them and chases them through the fields (he has never caught one, though!!)

  27. Hello Sweet Friend~ thank you for visiting...
    The red and white string~ if you type in Bakers Twine on Etsy there are oodles of stores selling it :)
    The long link is to anthropologie.
    Wishing you joy~

  28. Great post love the lace will have to see what you do with it ~ thanks for sharing Nicky ~30

  29. love all that white cloth, beautiful!

  30. Loved your post so much fun to read! You have some lovely lace and crocheted flowers on show - I bet a lot of lovely things will be made with them!

  31. yes, those would make sweet cushions. and the crochet flowers are wonderful too!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.