Saturday, 12 June 2010

Truth or lie blog award!

A new blogging friend has given me this award - how thoughtful!

Thanks Esther for your award and the kind comments too.

So having included the link to her blog, I must either tell 6 lies and 1 truth about myself or 6 truths and 1 lie ?...

1. I have written a children's story.

2. I was at college with fashion designer Bruce Oldfield.

3. I have visited 7 Greek islands.

4. My best friend is a politician.

5. I like watching football.

6. I have a pet gerbil.

7. I used to make leather handbags.

You can decide which is true and which is not!!

AND - I think I will pass this award on to Wipso


  1. I cannot imagine any of these wouldn't be true Twiglet - alhtough now and then I read between you and Wipso that your men watch football and you two do other stuff...but not, I dunno!

  2. Hehehe maybe I know the true and false :-) Thanks for the award sis. Will get my thinking hat on :-)
    A x

  3. Congratulations on your award Twiglet. So nice to be back visiting and catching up with you.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.